Details for Dicranomyia (Numantia) fusca Name: | Dicranomyia (Numantia) fusca (Meigen, 1804) | Publication: | Klass. Beschr. 1: 54. (as Limonia) | Status: | Recognized taxon, Synonym(s): atra (Macquart, 1826); laevigata (Macquart, 1826); turpis (Walker, 1856); pubipennis Osten Sacken, 1860; pilipennis (Egger, 1863). | Classification: | Family Limoniidae Subfamily Limoniinae
| Descriptive note: | Short description in Alexander, 1943k (reprint: 1966g). Synonymy: Alexander, 1920e, 1934e. | Keys: | Boardman, 2016 (craneflies Shropshire); Stubbs and Kramer, 2016h; Stubbs, 2021 (British craneflies); Podenas et al., 2019a (Dicranomyia Korea) | | | | | |
habitus male | habitus male | habitus male | habitus male | body part(s) antenna |
plus 27 more images of body part(s), body part(s), body part(s), hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, ovipositor, ovipositor, wing, wing, wing, wing, wing, wing, habitat, habitat, habitat, habitat, habitat and habitat. | | | Distribution: | Canada, USA (Mich and Ont to Nfld, south to Tenn and Ga);; Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Denmark, Finland, France (incl. Corsica), Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy (incl. Sicily), Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (European part: Istanbul, Kirklareli), Ukraine; Russia: RUN, RUW, RUC, RUE, North Caucasus; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey (Asiatic part: see citations for provinces), Iran;; Russia: FE (Primorskiy kray, Sakhalin, Kuril Is); South Korea, Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku). Note: see the manual for abbreviations: Canada and USA; present-day Russia. | Region(s): | Nearctic;; Westpalaearctic;; Eastpalaearctic | General note: | Added: Ont (Alexander, 1928g) (as pubipennis Osten Sacken), Tenn (Alexander, 1940s). For Italy check Stary and Oosterbroek, 1996, and citations below. For Finland check Salmela, 2012b, 2012c, and citations below. For Norway check Olsen et al., 2018, and citations below. For Spain check Eiroa and Carles-Tolra, 2019, and citations below. For Great Britain and Ireland check Stubbs, 2021, and citations below. | Map: | Podenas et al., 2006 (Switzerland); Boardman, 2007 (Shropshire); Podenas et al., 2019a (Korea) | | | Biology: | Alexander, 1914k, 1915h, 1916f, 1919e, 1924k, 1925i, 1943k (reprint: 1966g) (habitat) (as pubipennis Osten Sacken). Young and Gelhaus, 2000 (habitat, phenology). | Figure references: | Habitus: Kato, 2023a (male) Head: Podenas et al., 2019a (antenna) Wing: Alexander, 1919e (as pubipennis); Podenas et al., 2006; Podenas et al., 2019a Hypopygium: Alexander, 1943k (reprint: 1966g); Stary, 1969b (gynandromorph); Podenas et al., 2006; Podenas et al., 2019a; Kramer and Morris, 2022b Ovipositor: Podenas et al., 2019a Other figures: Podenas et al., 2019a (tarsomeres)
Miscellaneous Fritz and Lindstrom, 2013 (habitat); Quindroit, 2023 (habitat)
| | | Citations | | | Belgium Habitat. Tack et al., 2021: 193 (loc(s) Antwerpen, alle taxa biodiversiteit inventarisatie Bos t Ename, elzenbroek, verlanding en moeras (in Dutch), see paper for description). | | Canada Habitat. Gathmann and Williams, 2006: 148 (emergence and abundance in cold water springs in Ont). | | Country not relevant Biology. Olsen et al., 2018: 147 (a species of wooded dingles, carr and other wet woodland (Boardman 2016), also found at springs (Gathmann & Williams 2006, Lehmann & Reusch 2009, Reusch & Hohmann 2009, Ruckert 2005), woodland seepages (Stubbs & Kramer 2016b) and streamside vegetation (Byers 2002); larvae have been reared from mud, but also found emerging from a rotten, decorticated log in a debris dam (Godfrey 2001) and other kinds of wet or water-logged deciduous logs and woody debris (Godfrey 2003, Hancock 2002, Rotheray 2001, Rotheray & Horsfield 2003); the period of flight is april-october, considered bivoltine (Petersen 2003); see table 1 for habitat information of the Norwegian locality(ties)). | | Czech Rep. Habitat. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 65 (on Limoniidae and Pediciidae of two localities in northern Bohemia, with list of localities, altitudes and habitats). | | Denmark Habitat. Byriel and Rojas, 2017: 118 (among the 101 species in a study on cranefly hotspots in unmanaged and managed forests) (in Danish). | | France Habitat. Rotheray and Horsfield, 2003: 7 (larvae found in cavity of Acer tree). Habitat. Kramer and Langlois, 2019a: 80, 83 (on larval aquatic and moss habitats in the Ravin de Valbois; see paper for details). Biology. Quindroit, 2020a: 35, 45-48 (annotated list with information on abundancy and habitat of the Tipuloidea of Pays de la Loire: Mayenne (53), Sarthe (72), Loire-Atlantique (44), Maine-et-Loire (49) and Vendee (85)) (in French). Habitat. Quindroit, 2020b: 135 (loc(s) Pas-de-Calais (62) with notes on habitats and distr) (in French). Habitat. Quindroit, 2023: 62 (loc(s) Hautes-Alpes (05)) [locality and habitat are not given in the text but with the habitat figure]. | | Georgia Habitat. Stary and Obona, 2020: 136 (loc(s); with list of localities, habitats and altitudes). Habitat. Stary and Obona, 2020: 136 (loc(s); with list of localities, habitats and altitudes). | | Germany Habitat. Ruckert, 2005: 47, 53 (found in a study on the association with the type of source: limnokrene, rheokrene, or helokrene in Schlesig-Holstein; see paper for details, as well as Anhang A2-A10). Biology. Wittrock, 2005: 84 (summer emergence; rheokrene and limnokrene). Habitat. Ruckert et al., 2007: 56 (Rheophil). Habitat. Lehmann and Reusch, 2009: 122 (from around lowland springs). Habitat. Reusch and Hohmann, 2009: 129 (from spring brooks). | | Great Britain Habitat. Godfrey, 2000a: 20, 22. Habitat. Godfrey, 2001a: 11-12, 22-27, 30-33 (a wet mud species but also found emerging from a well rotten decorticated log in a debris dam). Habitat. Rotheray, 2001: 15 (reared from Elm [Ulmus]). Habitat. Boyce, 2002: 13 (review of seepage invertebrates in England, found at woodland seepages; see paper for details). Habitat. Hancock, 2002: 14 (recorded in this study emerging from water-logged wood). Habitat. Godfrey, 2003a: 24, 44 (review of association with woody debris; review literature). Habitat. Boardman, 2007: 80 (widespread in woodland where the ground is wet). Habitat. Kramer, 2009g: 2 (collected in damp wooded valleys). Habitat. Drake, 2011a: 24 (among the Diptera from a wet Alder [Alnus] wood in Devon). Habitat. Kramer, 2011j: 22 (frequently encountered in wet woodlands). Habitat. Kramer and Morris, 2022b: 17 (info on the species, on the distr and map of loc(s) Leicestershire and Rutland (VC55); found in wet woodlands). | | Ireland Habitat. Ashe et al., 2008: 10 (species of damp woodlands). | | North Macedonia Habitat. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 39 (lakeshore). | | Poland Habitat. Wiedenska, 2014: 14 (on the occurence of Limoniidae in six selected plant communities in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, habitat tables also in English). Phenology. Wiedenska, 2015a: 54 (on the flight activity of Limoniidae in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, tables also in English). Habitat. Wiedenska, 2017a: 22 (faunistic and habitat data of species from the Gorce NP) (in Polish). | | Portugal Habitat. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 39 (riverside vegetation). | | Romania Habitat. Kolcsar et al., 2013: 71 (loc(s) Cluj-Napoca and surroundings; list of habitats with altitudes). | | Russia Habitat. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 40 (Tatarstan Rep.: ravine, wetland). | | South Korea Biology. Podenas et al., 2019a: 101 (shrubby slopes along small mountainous streams, broad-leaved forests near mountainous rivers; not attracted to light). | | Sweden Habitat. Fritz and Lindstrom, 2013: 23, 24, 255-56, 62 (on distribution, habitat preference and habitat conservation in nature reserved forest and tree habitats in Hallands County) (in Schwedish). | | USA Habitat. Byers, 2002: 17 (streamside vegetation). Phenology. Petersen, 2003: 32, 92 (period of flight in relation to altitude, bivoltine). | | | | Country not relevant Characters. Krzeminski, 2001c: 337 (comparison with fossil species). Phylogeny. Ahonen, 2007: 1-28 (included in phylogenetic analysis of Tipuloidea subfamilies relationships based on molecular data). Phylogeny. Bertone, 2008: 1-282 (included in phylogenetic study on macroevolutionary relationships among families of lower Diptera (Insecta): molecular systematics, divergence times and a phylogeny of the Tipulidae sensu lato). Phylogeny. Petersen et al., 2010a: 526-543 (member of a detailed morphological and molecular phylogenetic study into the higher-level classification of the Tipuloidea). Phylogeny. Salmela et al., 2014: 4, 15 (DNA-barcoding, phylogeny). Characters. Olsen et al., 2018: 147 (a darkbodied species; easily identified by the long antennae, clear wings, discal cell present, and wing surface with macrotrichia covering the apical third of the wing; fig). | | Great Britain Characters. Kramer and Morris, 2022b: 17 (diagnosis, figs). | | Norway Characters. Viitanen, 2019: 3 (discussed is the variation in the number and form of rostral spines on the hypopygium in various species of Dicranomyia, figs) (in Finnish). | | South Korea Description. Podenas et al., 2019a: 12-15, 99-101 (descr, key, comparison, figs). | | | | Albania First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 39 (loc(s)). | | Armenia First record. Obona et al., 2016: 136 (loc(s)). Distribution. Hakobyan and Jenderedjian, 2023: 1514 (annotated checklist of the craneflies of Armenia with refs, distr and flight period in Caucasus Ecoregion with refs). | | Austria Distribution. Reusch and Heiss, 2012: 314-322 (loc(s) Nat. Park Gesause, see PDF for months and altitudes). | | Azerbaijan Distribution. Stary et al., 2018: 266 (loc(s), distr). Distribution. Snegovaya, 2021: 1137 (checklist with details on distr in Azerbaijan). | | Belgium Distribution. Tack et al., 2021: 193 (loc(s) Antwerpen, alle taxa biodiversiteit inventarisatie Bos t Ename, elzenbroek, verlanding en moeras (in Dutch), see paper for description). | | Bosnia-Herzegowina Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 447 (review literature). | | Bulgaria Distribution. Hubenov, 2015: 222 (annotated list Diptera Pirin Mt, loc(s), faunistics and zoogeography). Distribution. Hubenov, 2017: 70 (on vertical distribution in the Pirin and Rila Mts; see paper for details on forests and subalpine-alpine zones, distr). Distribution. Hubenov, 2021a: 37 (checklist with summary of distr in Bulgaria, references). | | Canada Distribution. Gathmann and Williams, 2006: 148 (loc(s) Ont). | | Czech Rep. Distribution. Stary et al., 2005a: 25 (loc(s)). Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist). Distribution. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 65 (on Limoniidae and Pediciidae of two localities in northern Bohemia, with list of localities, altitudes and habitats). | | Denmark Distribution. Petersen and de Jong, 2001b: 149 (checklist). | | Finland Distribution. Salmela, 2001a: 144, 151 (loc(s)). Distribution. Salmela et al., 2007b: 46 (loc(s)). Distribution. Salmela, 2012b: 237 (annotated list of Finnish crane flies). Distribution. Salmela and Petrasiunas, 2014: 30 (checklist Finnish Tipulomorpha). Distribution. Salmela et al., 2014: 4 (loc(s)). | | France Distribution. Rotheray and Horsfield, 2003: 7 (loc(s) Massane [Pyr. Or. (66)]). Distribution. Labat, 2013: 74 (on a sampling campaign on the Dordogne river sources, five Upper-Dordogne tributaries and a travertine, Auvergne; see paper for details) (in French). Distribution. Kramer and Langlois, 2019a: 76 (record(s) Ravin de Valbois, Doubs (25)). Distribution. Kramer and Langlois, 2019b: 228 (list of craneflies captured 25-27 june 2019 in Ravin de Valbois, Doubs (25)). Distribution. Quindroit, 2020a: 35, 45-48 (annotated list with information on abundancy and habitat of the Tipuloidea of Pays de la Loire: Mayenne (53), Sarthe (72), Loire-Atlantique (44), Maine-et-Loire (49) and Vendee (85)) (in French). Distribution. Quindroit, 2020b: 135 (loc(s) Pas-de-Calais (62) with notes on habitats and distr) (in French). Distribution. Labat, 2021: 92 (on Diptera taxa recorded along the over-all length of the Dordogne River and some of its tributaries; see paper for the locality details) (in French). Distribution. Tissot et al., 2021: 208 (the Diptera of the Reserves Naturelles Nationales du Doubs (25), results of Malaise trapping since 2009) (in French). Distribution. Quindroit, 2023: 62 (loc(s) Hautes-Alpes (05)) [locality and habitat are not given in the text but with the habitat figure]. | | Georgia Distribution. Stary and Obona, 2020: 136 (loc(s); with list of localities, habitats and altitudes). Distribution. Stary and Obona, 2020: 136 (loc(s); with list of localities, habitats and altitudes). | | Germany Distribution. Schacht, 1999: 135 (checklist Bayern). Distribution. Reusch and Oosterbroek, 2000: 161 (checklist German Bundeslander). Distribution. Reusch and Bellstedt, 2001b: 75 (checklist Thuringen). Distribution. Ruckert, 2005: 47, 53 (found in a study on the association with the type of source: limnokrene, rheokrene, or helokrene in Schlesig-Holstein; see paper for details, as well as Anhang A2-A10). Distribution. Schacht, 2005: 5 (checklist Bayern). Distribution. Wittrock, 2005: 84 (loc(s) Schleswig-Holstein). Distribution. Ruckert et al., 2007: 56 (loc(s) Schleswig-Holstein). Distribution. Lehmann and Reusch, 2009: 122 (loc(s) Niedersachsen). Distribution. Reusch and Hohmann, 2009: 129 (loc(s) Sachsen-Anhalt). Distribution. Schacht, 2010: 16 (checklist Diptera Bayern). Distribution. Stuke, 2019: 141 (checklist Niedersachsen and Bremen with reference to original sources). Distribution. Kehlmaier et al., 2023: 208 (loc(s) Saarland). Distribution. Stuke et al., 2024: 161 (loc(s) Niedersachsen). | | Great Britain Distribution. Godfrey, 2000a: 20, 22 (loc(s)). Distribution. Godfrey, 2001a: 11-12, 22-27, 30-33 (loc(s)). Distribution. Rotheray, 2001: 1, 14 (loc(s) Scotland). Distribution. Hancock, 2002: 13 (loc(s) Scotland; very common in samples from 5 may - 22 Sept). Distribution. Godfrey, 2003a: 24, 44 (loc(s), distr, review literature). Distribution. Hewitt et al., 2005: 37 (loc(s) Cumbria) (as Limonia). Distribution. Boardman, 2007: 80 (loc(s), map). Distribution. Kramer, 2009g: 2 (loc(s)). Distribution. Skidmore, 2009: 129 (review of occurrence on the Western Isles of Scotland, distr). Distribution. Drake, 2011a: 24 (loc(s) Devon). Distribution. Kramer, 2011j: 22 (loc(s) Leicestershire and Rutland (VC55)). Distribution. Kramer, 2013i: 8 (checklist of species from Leigh Woods NNR, Bristol district). Distribution. Hewitt, 2014: (provisional checklist Cumbrian Diptera). Distribution. Chandler, 2015: 90 (loc(s) Bushy Park, Middlesex). Distribution. Brighton, 2017c: 28 (overall regional checklist Lancashire and Cheshire (VC58, 59 and 60) with notes on habitats and/or regional occurrence and/or status; see paper for details). Distribution. Lovegrove et al., 2018: 6-7 (among the cranefly species found in a survey of the historical site for Idiocera sexguttat at Stony Moors in the New Forest). Distribution. Cole and Alexander, 2019: 65 (loc(s) Burnham Beeches NNR, Buckinghamshire). Distribution. Kramer and Morris, 2022b: 17 (info on the species, on the distr and map of loc(s) Leicestershire and Rutland (VC55); found in wet woodlands). | | Hungary Distribution. Toth, 2005: 169 (loc(s)). | | Ireland Distribution. Ashe et al., 2008: 10 (additional Irish record(s), distr). Distribution. Chandler et al., 2008: 13 (checklist). | | Japan Distribution. Kato, 2023a: 27 (loc(s) Honshu) (in Japanese). | | Lithuania Distribution. Pakalniskis et al., 2006: 18 (checklist). | | Montenegro First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 39 (loc(s)). First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 39 (loc(s)). | | Netherlands Distribution. de Jong and Oosterbroek, 2002b: 33 (checklist). | | Norway First record. Olsen et al., 2018: 147, 162-163 (loc(s) AK and TEI; distr; annotated checklist Nordic countries and for Norway according to the Strand regions). Distribution. Viitanen, 2019: 3 (Norway, without further details) (in Finnish). | | Poland Distribution. Wiedenska, 2007a: 74 (checklist). Distribution. Wiedenska, 2010: 132 (loc(s) Parku Krajobrazowego Wzniesien Lodzkich, Lodz). Distribution. Wiedenska, 2014: 14 (on the occurence of Limoniidae in six selected plant communities in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, habitat tables also in English). Distribution. Wiedenska, 2017a: 22 (faunistic and habitat data of species from the Gorce NP) (in Polish). Distribution. Wiedenska and Syratt, 2023: 147 (loc(s) Bieszczady Mountains, distr and remarks). | | Portugal First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 39 (loc(s) Guarda). | | Romania Distribution. Ujvarosi, 2005a: 244 (no details). Distribution. Parvu, 2006: 261 (loc(s)). Distribution. Ujvarosi, 2007: 228-231 (checklist Limoniidae). Distribution. Kolcsar et al., 2013: 71 (loc(s) Cluj-Napoca and surroundings; list of habitats with altitudes). | | Russia Distribution. Pilipenko, 2009c: 334 (loc(s) Lazovsky Nature Reserve, Primorskiy kray). Distribution. Lantsov, 2016: 165-170 (on craneflies from Arkhyz, Karachay-Cherkessia Rep., North Caucasus) (in Russian). Distribution. Lantsov and Pilipenko, 2018: 79 (first information about limoniids crane flies of the North Caucasus: Krasnodarskiy kray: the Utrish reserve and adjacent areas) (in Russian). Distribution. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 39-41 (loc(s) RUN, RUC and RUE). | | Serbia First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 41 (loc(s)). | | Slovakia Distribution. Stary, 2009d: 35 (loc(s) Polana area). Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist). | | Slovenia Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 447 (review literature). Distribution. Kolcsar et al., 2023b: 17 (loc(s)). | | South Korea First record. Podenas et al., 2019a: 99, 106 (loc(s), map). | | Spain First record. Hancock et al., 2015a: 241 (loc(s) Lugo). Distribution. Mederos and Eiroa, 2018: 27 (loc(s) Lerida, distr). Distribution. Eiroa and Carles-Tolra, 2019: 132 (loc(s) Gerona, list of Spanish provinces, distr) (in Spanish). | | Sweden Distribution. Fritz and Lindstrom, 2013: 23, 24, 255-56, 62 (on distribution, habitat preference and habitat conservation in nature reserved forest and tree habitats in Hallands County) (in Schwedish). | | Switzerland Distribution. Podenas et al., 2006: 164, 217 (map, vertical distr per thermic level). | | Turkey First record. Stary and Oosterbroek, 2008: 13 (loc(s), distr). Distribution. Koc et al., 2016: 12 (provinces Marmara region). Distribution. Provinces Asiatic part, 2024: (known from Artvin, Balikesir, Bursa, Canakkale, Kocaeli). | | USA Distribution. Byers, 2002: 17 (loc(s) Va, distr). Distribution. Petersen et al., 2005: 7 (loc(s) Great Smoky Mountains National Park). Distribution. Bertone, 2008: table 1 (USA, NC, no further data). | | | | Albania Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 5. | | Armenia Obona et al., 2016: month(s): 8-9. | | Azerbaijan Stary et al., 2018: month(s): 5. | | Bulgaria Hubenov, 2015: month(s): 8. | | Czech Rep. Stary et al., 2005a: month(s): 7-8. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: month(s): 5-7, 9. | | Finland Salmela, 2001a: month(s): 5-6. | | France Rotheray and Horsfield, 2003: month(s): 5. Kramer and Langlois, 2019b: month(s): 6. Quindroit, 2020a: month(s): 4-6. Quindroit, 2020b: month(s): 5. Quindroit, 2023: month(s): 6. | | Georgia Stary and Obona, 2020: month(s): 5. Stary and Obona, 2020: month(s): 4-5, 7, 9. | | Germany Kehlmaier et al., 2023: month(s): 6. Stuke et al., 2024: month(s): 6. | | Great Britain Godfrey, 2000a: month(s): 6. Godfrey, 2001a: month(s): 5. Hancock, 2002: month(s): 5-9. Kramer, 2009g: month(s): 7. Kramer, 2011j: month(s): 5-9. Chandler, 2015: month(s): 8. Cole and Alexander, 2019: month(s): 6. Kramer and Morris, 2022b: month(s): 5-7. | | Ireland Ashe et al., 2008: month(s): 6. | | Japan Kato, 2023a: month(s): 4, 9-10. | | Montenegro Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 5. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 5. | | Norway Olsen et al., 2018: month(s): 7, 9. | | Poland Wiedenska, 2014: month(s): 5-7. Wiedenska, 2015a: month(s): 6-9. Wiedenska, 2017a: month(s): 6-8. Wiedenska and Syratt, 2023: month(s): 9. | | Portugal Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 5. | | Romania Parvu, 2006: month(s): 7. Kolcsar et al., 2013: month(s): 4. | | Russia Pilipenko, 2009c: month(s): 7. Lantsov and Pilipenko, 2018: month(s): 8. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 6, 8. | | Serbia Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 5, 7, 9. | | Slovakia Stary, 2009d: month(s): 5-7, 9-10. | | Slovenia Kolcsar et al., 2023b: month(s): 7. | | South Korea Podenas et al., 2019a: month(s): 4-8. | | Spain Hancock et al., 2015a: month(s): 5. Mederos and Eiroa, 2018: month(s): 6, 9. Eiroa and Carles-Tolra, 2019: month(s): 6. | | Switzerland Podenas et al., 2006: month(s): 5-7, 9-10. | | Turkey Stary and Oosterbroek, 2008: month(s): 6. | | USA Byers, 2002: month(s): 5-8. Petersen, 2003: month(s): 4-9. | | | | Albania Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 307 m. | | Armenia Obona et al., 2016: altitude: 1839-1872 m. | | Azerbaijan Stary et al., 2018: altitude: 842 m. | | Bulgaria Hubenov, 2015: altitude: 1900-2000 m. Hubenov, 2017: altitude: 1900-2000 m. Hubenov, 2021a: altitude: 1900-2000 m. | | France Labat, 2021: altitude: 899-1357 m. Quindroit, 2023: altitude: 1900 m. | | Germany Reusch and Hohmann, 2009: altitude: 435 m. Stuke et al., 2024: altitude: 150-270 m. | | Montenegro Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 1440 m. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 1440 m. | | Poland Wiedenska, 2017a: altitude: 810-1140 m. Wiedenska and Syratt, 2023: altitude: 550 m. | | Portugal Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 1088 m. | | Russia Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 80-220 m. | | Serbia Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 800-1030 m. | | Slovakia Stary, 2009d: altitude: 630-780 m. | | Slovenia Kolcsar et al., 2023b: altitude: 490 m. | | South Korea Podenas et al., 2019a: altitude: 280-800 m. | | Spain Hancock et al., 2015a: altitude: 720 m. Mederos and Eiroa, 2018: altitude: 1100 m. Eiroa and Carles-Tolra, 2019: altitude: 1300 m. | | Turkey Stary and Oosterbroek, 2008: altitude: 1250 m. | | USA Byers, 2002: altitude: 907-945 m. Petersen et al., 2005: altitude: 895-1467 m. |