Details for Dicranomyia (Idiopyga) halterella
Name:Dicranomyia (Idiopyga) halterella Edwards, 1921
Publication:Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1921: 201 (as Dicranomyia)
Status:Recognized taxon, Synonym(s): gracilis Doane, 1900.
Classification:Family Limoniidae
Subfamily Limoniinae
Descriptive note:Synonymy: Alexander, 1948b; Tjeder, 1958.
Keys:Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007 (Limoniinae Mongolia and nearby); Stubbs and Kramer, 2016h; Stubbs, 2021 (British craneflies)
Dicranomyia (Idiopyga) halterella : habitus - maleDicranomyia (Idiopyga) halterella : habitus - maleDicranomyia (Idiopyga) halterella : habitus - maleDicranomyia (Idiopyga) halterella : hypopygiumDicranomyia (Idiopyga) halterella : hypopygium
plus 6 more images of hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, wing and habitat.
Distribution:USA (Wash to Maine, south to Oreg, Utah and Colo, also Pa);; Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine (Carpathians); Russia: RUC, RUN, RUW, North Caucasus;; Russia: WS (Altay, Tuva), FE (Magadan oblast, Kamchatka, Primorskiy kray, Sakhalin, Kuril Is); Kazakhstan (east), Kyrgyzstan; Mongolia, Japan (Honshu).
Note: see the manual for abbreviations: Canada and USA; present-day Russia.
Region(s):Nearctic;; Westpalaearctic;; Eastpalaearctic
General note:Added: Colo (Alexander, 1943a), Oreg (Alexander, 1954a), Pa (Young and Gelhaus, 2000, for PA see also Alexander, 1943k (reprint: 1966g)), Poland (Wiedenska, 1998). For Finland check Salmela, 2012b, 2012c, and citations below. For Norway check Olsen et al., 2018, and citations below. For Great Britain check Stubbs, 2021, and citations below.
Map:Podenas et al., 2006 (Switzerland)
Biology:Alexander, 1940o, 1943a, 1949m, 1954a (habitat) (as gracilis Doane). Young and Gelhaus, 2000 (phenology).
Habitus: Kato 2020 (male); Lantsov, 2022b (male)
Wing: Podenas et al., 2006; Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007
Hypopygium: Podenas et al., 2006; Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007; Kato 2020
Citationson biology (mainly from 2000 onward):
Habitat. Salmela, 2004: 5 (springs).
Biology. Salmela, 2008: 11, 20, 28, 51 (49) (ecology or habitat: lotic; phenology).
Habitat. Salmela, 2011a: 1-28 (study on three wetland habitats: aapa mires, springs and headwater streams).
Great Britain
Habitat. Brighton, 2017c: 28, 38 (overall regional checklist Lancashire and Cheshire (VC58, 59 and 60) with notes on habitats and/or regional occurrence and/or status; see paper for details).
Habitat. Yadamsuren et al., 2015: 475 (terrestrial).
Habitat. Wiedenska, 2014: 14 (on the occurence of Limoniidae in six selected plant communities in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, habitat tables also in English).
Phenology. Wiedenska, 2015a: 54 (on the flight activity of Limoniidae in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, tables also in English).
Habitat. Wiedenska, 2017a: 22 (faunistic and habitat data of species from the Gorce NP) (in Polish).
Habitat. Przhiboro, 2003: 364 (water margin zone of an oligotrophic lake; rearing).
Habitat. Lantsov, 2009d: 112 (adults mainly in semi-aquatic assemblages, such as channels, grass stands at brooks, meadow near bottomland forest).
Habitat. Hancock, 2019: 49 (loc(s) RUN: Murmanskaya oblast, collected from along a bank of a river).
Habitat. Stary, 2009d: 35 (a local ecologically significant species, associated with swamps and muddy places along brooks).
on characters and taxonomy (mainly from 2000 onward):
Country not relevant
Phylogeny. Salmela et al., 2014: 2-3, 15 (char, DNA-barcoding, phylogeny).
Description. Kato, 2020: 23-24 (diagnosis, comparison, figs).
Key. Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007: 57-58 (key, figs).
on distribution (mainly from 2000 onward):
First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 42 (loc(s) Rila Mts).
Czech Rep.
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
Distribution. Petersen and de Jong, 2001b: 149 (because of neighbouring distribution likely to occur in Denmark).
Distribution. Salmela, 2001a: 144, 151 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Salmela, 2004: 5 (distr).
Distribution. Salmela et al., 2007b: 46 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Salmela, 2008: 11, 51 (49) (loc(s), known from all Finnish ecoregions).
Distribution. Salmela, 2011a: 24 (loc(s) subalpine northern boreal Finland).
Distribution. Salmela, 2012b: 236 (annotated list of Finnish crane flies).
Distribution. Salmela and Petrasiunas, 2014: 29 (checklist Finnish Tipulomorpha).
Distribution. Salmela et al., 2014: 3 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Salmela et al., 2015: 100 (list of localities in extensive report on malaise-trapping of insects in conservation areas in Lapland in 2012–2014) (in Finnish).
Distribution. Schacht, 1999: 135 (checklist Bayern).
Distribution. Reusch and Oosterbroek, 2000: 161 (checklist German Bundeslander).
Distribution. Schacht, 2005: 5 (checklist Bayern).
Distribution. Schacht, 2010: 16 (checklist Diptera Bayern).
Great Britain
Distribution. Stubbs, 2008b: 3 (a species of the Scottish Higlands, it extends down to Arran, distr).
Distribution. Skidmore, 2009: 129 (review of occurrence on the Western Isles of Scotland, distr).
Distribution. Hewitt, 2014: (provisional checklist Cumbrian Diptera).
Distribution. Brighton, 2017c: 28, 38 (overall regional checklist Lancashire and Cheshire (VC58, 59 and 60) with notes on habitats and/or regional occurrence and/or status; see paper for details).
First record. Kato, 2020: 24 (loc(s) Honshu, distr).
First record. Devyatkov, 2013: 86 (loc(s) East Kazakhstan).
Distribution. Devyatkov, 2020a: 51 (loc(s) East Kazakhstan, distr) (in Russian).
Distribution. Pakalniskis et al., 2006: 18 (checklist).
First record. Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007: 57 (new for Mongolia, without further details).
Distribution. Yadamsuren et al., 2015: 475 (loc(s) Mongolia).
Distribution. Olsen et al., 2018: 162-163 (annotated checklist Nordic countries and for Norway according to the Strand regions).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2007a: 74 (checklist).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2014: 14 (on the occurence of Limoniidae in six selected plant communities in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, habitat tables also in English).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2017a: 22 (faunistic and habitat data of species from the Gorce NP) (in Polish).
First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 42 (loc(s) Harghita).
First record. Przhiboro, 2003: 364 (loc(s) NW Russia).
Distribution. Lantsov, 2009d: 112 (loc(s) Central North Caucasus).
Distribution. Gavryushin in litt., 2013b: (loc(s) Shikotan: Tserkovnaya Bay and Krabozavodskoye; first record for Kuril Is).
Distribution. Hancock, 2019: 49 (loc(s) RUN: Murmanskaya oblast, collected from along a bank of a river).
Distribution. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 42-43 (loc(s) RUC: Moskovskaya oblast).
Distribution. Stary, 2009d: 35 (loc(s) Polana area).
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
First record. Stary, 2014b: 91 (loc(s) Gerona).
Distribution. Podenas et al., 2006: 162, 218 (map, vertical distr per thermic level).
on flight period (mainly from 2000 onward):
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 10.
Salmela, 2001a: month(s): 8-9.
Salmela, 2008: month(s): 6-8.
Kato, 2020: month(s): 9-10.
Devyatkov, 2013: month(s): 8.
Devyatkov, 2020a: month(s): 8-9.
Wiedenska, 2014: month(s): 9-10.
Wiedenska, 2015a: month(s): 9.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 9.
Przhiboro, 2003: month(s): 8.
Lantsov, 2009d: month(s): 9.
Gavryushin in litt., 2013b: month(s): 6, 9-10.
Hancock, 2019: month(s): 8.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 9-10.
Stary, 2009d: month(s): 10.
Stary, 2014b: month(s): 9.
Podenas et al., 2006: month(s): 8-9.
on altitude (mainly from 2000 onward):
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 2600 m.
Kato, 2020: altitude: 1320-1650 m.
Devyatkov, 2020a: altitude: 407-1654 m.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 860-1210 m.
Lantsov, 2009d: altitude: 1571-1850 m.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 220 m.
Stary, 2014b: altitude: cca 2000 m.

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