Details for Dicranomyia (Glochina) liberta
Name:Dicranomyia (Glochina) liberta Osten Sacken, 1860
Publication:Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1859: 209 (as Dicranomyia)
Status:Recognized taxon.
Classification:Family Limoniidae
Subfamily Limoniinae
Descriptive note:Short description in Alexander, 1943k (reprint: 1966g). Nearctic Catalogue (Alexander, 1965h) incorrectly as 1859.
Keys:Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007 (Limoniinae Mongolia and nearby)
Dicranomyia (Glochina) liberta : habitus - maleDicranomyia (Glochina) liberta : hypopygiumDicranomyia (Glochina) liberta : hypopygiumDicranomyia (Glochina) liberta : wingDicranomyia (Glochina) liberta : wing
Distribution:Canada, USA (Man to Nfld, south to Okla, Texas, Ark and Fla); Bermuda;; Belarus, Finland, Norway; Russia: RUC;; Russia: WS (near Tomsk); Kazakhstan (east); Mongolia.
Note: see the manual for abbreviations: Canada and USA; present-day Russia.
Region(s):Nearctic;; Westpalaearctic;; Eastpalaearctic
General note:Added: Texas (Borkent, 1993). For Finland check Salmela, 2012b, 2012c, and citations below. For Norway check Olsen et al., 2018, and citations below.
Biology:Alexander, 1916f, 1919e, 1924k (habitat). Young, 1978 (habitat, phenology). Young and Gelhaus, 2000 (phenology).
Wing: Alexander, 1919e; Conrow and Gelhaus, 2022 (wing interference patterns)
Hypopygium: Alexander, 1912g; Young, 1978; Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007
Citationson biology (mainly from 2000 onward):
Country not relevant
Biology. Olsen et al., 2018: 146 (in North America a species of open woods (Alexander 1916, 1924) and during a study on woods in Kans found to be common in vernal seepage in bottomland woods and in the mesic thicket around pond margins (Young 1978); in Finland found in swampy forests (Salmela 2012a); period of flight in northern Europe is june-august, in North America march-december and considered bivoltine (Petersen 2003); see table 1 for habitat information of the Norwegian locality(ties)).
Habitat. Salmela, 2012b: 224 (localities are swampy forests).
Phenology. Petersen, 2003: 32, 92 (period of flight in relation to altitude, bivoltine).
on characters and taxonomy (mainly from 2000 onward):
Country not relevant
Characters. Olsen et al., 2018: 146 (this Glochina species is characterized by clear wings and vein Sc ending near the base of Rs; male genitalia with a tubercle on the inner upper side of the gonocoxite, bearing a tuft of hairs; rostral lobe of outer gonostyle just slightly wider at base than before rostral spines, trapezium-shaped; rostral spines short and strongly diverging; fig).
Key. Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007: 53 (key, figs).
Characters. Conrow and Gelhaus, 2022: 136-163 (detailed study on wing interference patterns (WIP); the study seeks to establish WIP as a stable, sexually dimorphic, species-level character across the four families of Tipuloidea and investigate generic level WIP; thirteen species of Tipuloidea were selected from museum specimens; descriptions of the WIP for each sex of each species are provided.; twelve of thirteen species imaged had WIP, which were stable and species specific while eight of those twelve had sexually dimorphic WIP; figs; see paper for details).
on distribution (mainly from 2000 onward):
First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 44 (loc(s) Vitebsk).
First record. Salmela, 2012b: 224, 236 (annotated list of Finnish crane flies; loc(s) Ta, N, Tb, Ok).
Distribution. Salmela and Petrasiunas, 2014: 29 (checklist Finnish Tipulomorpha).
First record. Devyatkov, 2020a: 51 (loc(s) East Kazakhstan, distr) (in Russian).
First record. Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007: 53 (new for Mongolia, without further details).
First record. Olsen et al., 2018: 146, 160-161 (loc(s) AK and TEI; distr; annotated checklist Nordic countries and for Norway according to the Strand regions).
Distribution. Paramonov and Pilipenko, 2016: 99 (loc(s) RUC: Tverskaya oblast, distr [second record for Westpalaearctic, first for European Rusia) (in Russian).
Distribution. Byers, 2002: 16 (loc(s) Va, distr, most frequent Dicranomyia of North America).
Distribution. Petersen et al., 2005: 6 (loc(s) Great Smoky Mountains National Park).
Distribution. Byers et al., 2008: 375 (loc(s) Ark).
Distribution. Brodo et al., 2022a: 53 (list of Tipuloidea collected in the town of Kent, Putnam County, NY).
Distribution. Conrow and Gelhaus, 2022: 139 (loc(s) Pa).
on flight period (mainly from 2000 onward):
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 7.
Salmela, 2012b: month(s): 6-8.
Devyatkov, 2020a: month(s): 6.
Olsen et al., 2018: month(s): 7.
Paramonov and Pilipenko, 2016: month(s): 8.
Byers, 2002: month(s): 5-8.
Petersen, 2003: month(s): 3-12.
Byers et al., 2008: month(s): 5.
Conrow and Gelhaus, 2022: month(s): 7.
on altitude (mainly from 2000 onward):
Devyatkov, 2020a: altitude: 1170 m.
Byers, 2002: altitude: 507-1330 m.
Petersen et al., 2005: altitude: 457-1944 m.

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