Details for Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) distendens
Name:Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) distendens Lundstrom, 1912
Publication:Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 36(1): 51 (as Dicranomyia)
Status:Recognized taxon, Synonym(s): sachalina Alexander, 1924; uliginosa (Alexander and Alexander, 1929); pallida Savchenko, 1983.
Classification:Family Limoniidae
Subfamily Limoniinae
Descriptive note:The subspecies pallida is treated here as a synonym of distendnes, for reasons outlined under pallida. Synonymy: Stary, 2007. Descriptive note in Alexander, 1931i (as uliginosa Alexander). Short description in Alexander, 1943k (reprint: 1966g) (as uliginosa Alexander).
Keys:Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007 (Limoniinae Mongolia and nearby); Stubbs and Kramer, 2016h; Stubbs, 2021 (British craneflies); Podenas et al., 2019a (Dicranomyia Korea) (as distendens pallida)
Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) distendens : habitus - maleDicranomyia (Dicranomyia) distendens : body part(s) - antennaDicranomyia (Dicranomyia) distendens : body part(s) - legDicranomyia (Dicranomyia) distendens : hypopygiumDicranomyia (Dicranomyia) distendens : hypopygium
body part(s)
body part(s)
plus 10 more images of hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, ovipositor, wing, wing, habitat, habitat and habitat.
Distribution:Canada, USA (Mich to Ont, Que and NH, south to Tenn and SC);; Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Rep., Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine; Russia: RUN, RUW, RUC;; Russia: FE (Jewish AO, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Primorskiy kray, Kuril Is); Kazakhstan (east); South Korea, Mongolia, China (Heilongjiang).
Note: see the manual for abbreviations: Canada and USA; present-day Russia.
Region(s):Nearctic;; Westpalaearctic;; Eastpalaearctic
General note:Added: NH (Alexander, 1943k (reprint: 1966g)) (as uliginosa Alexander). For Finland check Salmela, 2012b, 2012c, and citations below. For Norway check Olsen et al., 2018, and citations below. For Great Britain check Stubbs, 2021, and citations below.
Map:Podenas et al., 2006 (Switzerland); Podenas et al., 2019a (Korea)
Biology:Alexander, 1929i, 1930i, 1940s (as uliginosa Alexander) (habitat). Young and Gelhaus, 2000 (as uliginosa Alexander) (phenology).
Head: Podenas et al., 2019a (antenna) (as distendens pallida)
Wing: Podenas et al., 2019a (as distendens pallida)
Hypopygium: Alexander, 1943k (reprint: 1966g) (as uliginosa); Podenas et al., 2006; Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007; Podenas et al., 2019a (as distendens pallida)
Ovipositor: Podenas et al., 2019a (as distendens pallida)
Other figures: Podenas et al., 2019a (tarsomeres) (as distendens pallida)

Immature stages
Larva: Podeniene, 2002; Podeniene, 2003a; Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c
Citationson biology (mainly from 2000 onward):
Habitat. Schultz et al., 2006: 351 (Hochmoor).
Habitat. Paramonov and Sushko, 2010: 44 (loc(s), distr, about fauna of raised bogs, for details see paper) (in Russian).
Czech Rep.
Habitat. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 63 (on Limoniidae and Pediciidae of two localities in northern Bohemia, with list of localities, altitudes and habitats).
Habitat. Byriel and Rojas, 2017: 118 (among the 101 species in a study on cranefly hotspots in unmanaged and managed forests) (in Danish).
Habitat. Salmela, 2004: 3, 4, 9 (often recorded from mires but also from other moist and aquatic environments, very rarely recorded from springs).
Habitat. Salmela and Ilmonen, 2005: 88-91 (a common species; the occurrence in relation to the trophic status of mires within an open boreal mire system is investigated).
Biology. Salmela, 2008: 11, 20-22, 27, 32, 51 (49) (ecology or habitat: peatland; phenology).
Habitat. Salmela, 2011a: 1-28 (study on three wetland habitats: aapa mires, springs and headwater streams; among the most common species).
Habitat. Salmela, 2012c: 10 (classified as a mire-dwelling species).
Habitat. Kramer, 2008c: 12 (collected at a limestone wooded stream-filled gorge, the stream can be torrential with moss covered boulders, and there are seepages from the steep sides of the limstone gorge).
Habitat. Reusch, 2006: 134 (Kalkquellmoor [carbonate fen complex]).
Great Britain
Habitat. Boyce, 2002: 16 (review of seepage invertebrates in England, found at acid-neutral seepages; see paper for details).
Habitat. Boyce, 2004: 31, 71-72, 103 (found around seepages in areas of acid mire, usually in upland districts) (as Limonia).
Habitat. Kramer, 2008a: 5 (at small stream in some Birch [Betula] woodland; a marsh species).
Phenology. Leftwich, 2011: 4 (appears to have a short flight period).
Habitat. Brighton, 2017c: 28, 38 (overall regional checklist Lancashire and Cheshire (VC58, 59 and 60) with notes on habitats and/or regional occurrence and/or status; see paper for details).
Habitat. Kramer, 2018g: 2 (collected at a valley mire at Gentleshaw Common SSSI, Staffordshire).
Habitat. Alexander et al., 2019: 314 (loc(s) Thorneythwaite Fell, Lake District with information on tree species and flight interception traps).
Habitat. Boardman, 2020a: 1 (loc(s) Staffordshire, in area of valley mire).
Habitat. Podeniene, 2002: 294-296 (larvae develop in Sphagnum mosses, specimens were taken from Sphagnum magellanicum in low-laying marsh (Carici elongatae-Alnetum) in forest; phenology: two generation, in june and early october).
Habitat. Podeniene, 2003a: 1-295 (larva, descr, figs, habitat) (in Lithuanian).
Habitat. Podeniene, 2003b: 11, 21, 28 (larval habitat: uppermost portion of Sphagnum mosses at the margin of low lying woody swamps).
Habitat. Yadamsuren et al., 2015: 474 (riparian zone on algae).
Habitat. Olsen and Andersen, 2021: 213-214 (loc(s) Innlandet, in former Hedmark, with habitats specified separately, for habitats see also Jonassen and Andersen, 2020).
Habitat. Ujvarosi, 2005a: 244 (peat bogs, swamps, moist soil, citing various sources).
Habitat. Ujvarosi and Poti, 2006: 256 (habitat in Dupa Lunca marshland: predominantly swamp with bushes and trees).
Habitat. Ujvarosi et al., 2011b: 108 (loc(s) Dupa Lanca marshy area near Voslobeni) (in Hungarian, species list with habitat information in English).
Habitat. Paramonov, 2019c: 121 (loc(s) Jewish AO, distr, habitats, citing various authors) (in Russian).
Habitat. Podenas et al., 2019a: 27 (wet, swampy areas of broad-leaved forests in the Far East of Russia, citing Savchenko, 1983) (as distendens pallida).
Habitat. Byers, 2002: 17 (streamside herbaceous growth and meadows) (as uliginosa).
Phenology. Petersen, 2003: 92 (period of flight in relation to altitude).
on characters and taxonomy (mainly from 2000 onward):
Country not relevant
Phylogeny. Ahonen, 2007: 1-28 (included in phylogenetic analysis of Tipuloidea subfamilies relationships based on molecular data).
Synonymy. Stary, 2007: 26-27 (type-mat. synonymy sachalina).
Characters. Podenas et al., 2019a: 27 (comparison).
Immatures. Podeniene, 2002: 294-296 (descr larva, comparison, figs).
Immatures. Podeniene, 2003a: 1-295 (larva, descr, figs, habitat) (in Lithuanian).
Key. Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007: 45-46 (key, figs).
South Korea
Description. Podenas et al., 2019a: 12-15, 25-27 (descr, key, comparison, figs, subspecific status) (as distendens pallida).
on distribution (mainly from 2000 onward):
Distribution. Schultz et al., 2006: 351 (loc(s)).
First record. Paramonov and Sushko, 2010: 44 (loc(s), distr, about fauna of raised bogs, for details see paper) (in Russian).
Distribution. Brodo, 2017b: 21-28 (list of craneflies collected in Larose Forest, Ottawa District, Ont).
First record. Paramonov and Pilipenko, 2021: 187 (loc(s) Heilongjiang).
Czech Rep.
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
Distribution. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 63 (on Limoniidae and Pediciidae of two localities in northern Bohemia, with list of localities, altitudes and habitats).
Distribution. Petersen and de Jong, 2001b: 148 (checklist).
Distribution. Salmela, 2001a: 144, 151 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Salmela, 2004: 3, 4, 9 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Salmela and Ilmonen, 2005: 88-91 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Salmela and Autio, 2007b: 54 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Salmela et al., 2007b: 46 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Salmela, 2008: 11, 32, 51 (49) (loc(s), known from all Finnish ecoregions).
Distribution. Salmela, 2011a: 24 (loc(s) subalpine northern boreal Finland).
Distribution. Salmela, 2012b: 236 (annotated list of Finnish crane flies).
Distribution. Salmela, 2013: 18 (belongs to the most abundant and frequent cranefly species of Finland, see table above under Habitat).
Distribution. Salmela and Petrasiunas, 2014: 29 (checklist Finnish Tipulomorpha).
Distribution. Salmela et al., 2015: 100 (list of localities in extensive report on malaise-trapping of insects in conservation areas in Lapland in 2012–2014) (in Finnish).
Distribution. Kramer, 2008c: 12 (loc(s) Savoie (73)).
Distribution. Schacht, 1999: 135 (checklist Bayern).
Distribution. Reusch and Bellstedt, 2000: 263 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Reusch and Oosterbroek, 2000: 161 (checklist German Bundeslander).
Distribution. Reusch and Bellstedt, 2001a: 268 (red list status Thuringen).
Distribution. Reusch and Bellstedt, 2001b: 75 (checklist Thuringen).
Distribution. Schacht, 2005: 4 (checklist Bayern).
Distribution. Reusch, 2006: 134 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Schacht, 2010: 16 (checklist Diptera Bayern).
Distribution. Stuke, 2019: 141 (checklist Niedersachsen and Bremen with reference to original sources).
Great Britain
Distribution. Hancock, 1998: 29 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Boyce, 2004: 31, 71-72, 103 (distr) (as Limonia).
Distribution. Crossley, 2004: 155 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Kramer, 2008a: 5 (loc(s) Scotland).
Distribution. Kramer, 2009b: 5 (Aviemore area).
Distribution. Leftwich, 2011: 4 (loc(s) Dorset, distr).
Distribution. Kramer, 2013a: 1 (loc(s) Pertshire).
Distribution. Kramer, 2013g: 2 (loc(s) Lancaster).
Distribution. Drake, 2014: 23 (loc(s) Gwynedd).
Distribution. Hewitt, 2014: (provisional checklist Cumbrian Diptera).
Distribution. Brighton, 2017c: 28, 38 (overall regional checklist Lancashire and Cheshire (VC58, 59 and 60) with notes on habitats and/or regional occurrence and/or status; see paper for details).
Distribution. Kramer, 2018g: 2 (collected at a valley mire at Gentleshaw Common SSSI, Staffordshire).
Distribution. Kramer, 2018i: 3 (loc(s) Scotland).
Distribution. Alexander et al., 2019: 314 (loc(s) Thorneythwaite Fell, Lake District with information on tree species and flight interception traps).
Distribution. Boardman, 2020a: 1 (loc(s) Staffordshire, in area of valley mire).
First record. Devyatkov, 2020a: 49 (loc(s) East Kazakhstan, distr) (in Russian).
Distribution. Podeniene, 2002: 294-296 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Pakalniskis et al., 2006: 18 (checklist).
First record. Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007: 45 (new for Mongolia, without further details).
Distribution. Yadamsuren et al., 2015: 474 (loc(s) Mongolia).
Distribution. de Jong and Oosterbroek, 2002b: 33 (checklist).
Distribution. Olsen et al., 2018: 160-161 (annotated checklist Nordic countries and for Norway according to the Strand regions).
Distribution. Olsen and Andersen, 2021: 213-214 (loc(s) Innlandet, in former Hedmark, with habitats specified separately, for habitats see also Jonassen and Andersen, 2020).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2007a: 74 (checklist).
Distribution. Ujvarosi and Poti, 2006: 256 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Ujvarosi, 2007: 228-231 (checklist Limoniidae).
Distribution. Ujvarosi et al., 2011b: 108 (loc(s) Dupa Lanca marshy area near Voslobeni) (in Hungarian, species list with habitat information in English).
Distribution. Pilipenko and Sidorenko, 2006b: 147 (checklist Kedrovaya Pad, distr) (as distendens pallida) (in Russian).
Distribution. Polevoi, 2006: 96 (loc(s) RUN: Kareliya) (in Russian).
Distribution. Stary, 2007: 26-27 (type-loc(s) of sachalina).
Distribution. Pilipenko, 2009c: 334 (loc(s) Lazovsky Nature Reserve, Primorskiy kray) (as distendens pallida).
Distribution. Polevoi and Humala, 2009: 114 (RUN: loc(s) Mount Vottovaara, Kareliya) (in Russian).
Distribution. Jakovlev et al., 2014: 309 (loc(s) RUN: Kareliya).
Distribution. Paramonov, 2019c: 121 (loc(s) Jewish AO, distr, habitats, citing various authors) (in Russian).
Distribution. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 36-37 (loc(s) RUC: Moskovskaya oblast).
Distribution. Stary, 2009d: 34 (loc(s) Polana area).
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
South Korea
First record. Podenas et al., 2019a: 25, 104 (loc(s), map) (as distendens pallida).
Distribution. Podenas et al., 2006: 13, 156, 216 (map, vertical distr per thermic level).
Distribution. Byers, 2002: 17 (loc(s) Va, distr) (as uliginosa).
Distribution. Petersen et al., 2005: 6 (loc(s) Great Smoky Mountains National Park).
on flight period (mainly from 2000 onward):
Paramonov and Sushko, 2010: month(s): 8.
Brodo, 2017b: month(s): 6.
Paramonov and Pilipenko, 2021: month(s): 6.
Czech Rep.
Stary and Vonicka, 2018: month(s): 5-7(8).
Salmela, 2001a: month(s): 6.
Salmela, 2008: month(s): 6-7.
Kramer, 2008c: month(s): 5.
Reusch and Bellstedt, 2000: month(s): 7.
Great Britain
Crossley, 2004: month(s): 6-7.
Kramer, 2008a: month(s): 6.
Kramer, 2009b: month(s): 6.
Kramer, 2013g: month(s): 7.
Drake, 2014: month(s): 7.
Kramer, 2018i: month(s): 5.
Devyatkov, 2020a: month(s): 6.
Podeniene, 2002: month(s): 6, 10.
Olsen and Andersen, 2021: month(s): 6-9.
Ujvarosi et al., 2011b: month(s): 6.
Stary, 2007: month(s): 7-8.
Pilipenko, 2009c: month(s): 8.
Paramonov, 2019c: month(s): 6.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 6-7, 10.
Stary, 2009d: month(s): 6-7.
South Korea
Podenas et al., 2019a: month(s): 5.
Podenas et al., 2006: month(s): 5-8.
Byers, 2002: month(s): 5-7.
Petersen, 2003: month(s): 7.
on altitude (mainly from 2000 onward):
Devyatkov, 2020a: altitude: 1765 m.
Ujvarosi and Poti, 2006: altitude: 670 m.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 145-220 m.
South Korea
Podenas et al., 2019a: altitude: 1100 m.
Byers, 2002: altitude: 534-1174 m.
Petersen et al., 2005: altitude: 1757 m.

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