Details for Atypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai
Name:Atypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai (Alexander, 1921)
Publication:Ann. Ent. Soc. Am. 14: 113 (as Dicranomyia)
Status:Recognized taxon, Synonym(s): pusillus (Lackschewitz, 1928).
Classification:Family Limoniidae
Subfamily Limoniinae
Revision:Podenas et al., 2017. Kato, 2022a.
Descriptive note:Type-material: Podenas et al., 2017; Kato, 2022a. Synonymy: Alexander, 1937m. Systematic position: Krivosheina, N.P., 2009d.
Keys:Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007 (Limoniinae Mongolia and nearby); Podenas et al., 2017 (Atypophthalmus Korea); Podenas et al., 2020a (Atypophthalmus Korea); Kato, 2022a (Atypophthalmus Japan)
Atypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai : habitus - maleAtypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai : habitus - maleAtypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai : habitus - femaleAtypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai : body part(s) - antennaAtypophthalmus (Microlimonia) machidai : body part(s) - leg
body part(s)
body part(s)
plus 16 more images of hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, ovipositor, wing, wing, wing, wing, habitat, habitat, habitat, habitat and habitat.
Distribution:Austria, Czech Rep., Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy (Piemonte), Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Ukraine (Carpathians); Russia: RUN, RUC; Azerbaijan;; Russia: WS (Altay), FE (Khabarovskiy kray, Primorskiy kray, Sakhalin, Kuril Is); North Korea, South Korea, Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, Nansei Is [= Ryukyu Is] (Yakushima));; China (Jiangxi).
Note: see the manual for abbreviations: present-day Russia.
Region(s):Westpalaearctic;; Eastpalaearctic;; Oriental
General note:The borderline between the Palaearctic and Oriental regions runs through the Ryukyu islands, south of Yakushima island (for details see Kato et al., 2020b; Kato, 2021b).
Map:Podenas et al., 2006 (Switzerland); Podenas et al., 2017 (Korea); Kato, 2022a (Japan)
Biology:Alexander, 1930l (habitat).
Habitus: Kato, 2022a (male)
Head: Podenas et al., 2017 (antenna)
Wing: Podenas et al., 2017; Podenas et al., 2020a; Kato, 2022a
Hypopygium: Podenas et al., 2006; Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007; Podenas et al., 2017; Polevoi et al., 2018; Kato, 2022a
Ovipositor: Podenas et al., 2017
Other figures: Podenas et al., 2017 (leg)

Immature stages
Larva: Krivosheina, N.P., 2009d; ; Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c

Stary and Delmastro, 2001 (habitat)
Citationson biology (mainly from 2000 onward):
Country not relevant
Habitat. Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c: 1-294 (larva: loc(s), descr, figs, biology, key) (in Russian, key also in English).
Czech Rep.
Habitat. Stary et al., 2013b: 377 (on Limonidae from Vraz near Pisek, with general habitat description).
Habitat. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 63 (local, saproxylic, ecologically significant species, associated with forest habitats).
Habitat. Rasimus in litt., 2023: (recorded on Finlands Artdatacenter ( from North Savo (PS), including photos (see above); see website for habitat information (in Finnish).
Habitat. Stary and Delmastro, 2001: 453, 456 (habitat with photo: various woody habitats).
Habitat. Kato and Yamauchi, 2023: 12-13 (loc(s) Yakushima Is with list of habitats).
Phenology. Wiedenska, 2015a: 54 (on the flight activity of Limoniidae in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, tables also in English).
Habitat. Wiedenska, 2017a: 24 (faunistic and habitat data of species from the Gorce NP) (in Polish).
Biology. Krivosheina, N.P., 2009d: 139-140 (larvae were found developing in or adults emerging from Abies, Acer, Aralia, Betula, Carpinus, Fraxinus, Phellodendron; see paper for further details).
Habitat. Polevoi et al., 2018: 3, 7 (Saproxylic species; larvae develop under the bark of various trees (Krivosheina 2010); this species emerged from a wind-broken Aspen [Populus tremula], colonised by 13 species of macrofungi; see paper for details).
Habitat. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 18 (edge of forest with small stream).
South Korea
Biology. Podenas et al., 2017: 270 (larvae found on slopes of mountainous rivers covered by deciduous forest, settlements on mountainous streams surrounded by deciduous shrubs, trees and small farms; larvae develop in dead trees and fungi (Savchenko, 1985); adults are attracted to light sources).
on characters and taxonomy (mainly from 2000 onward):
Country not relevant
Immatures. Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c: 1-294 (larva: loc(s), descr, figs, biology, key) (in Russian, key also in English).
East Palaearctic
Key. Podenas and Gelhaus, 2007: 32-33 (key, figs).
Revision. Podenas et al., 2017: 262, 269-271 (type-mat, descr, key, figs).
Revision. Kato, 2022a: 124, 136-138 (type-mat, descr, key, comparison, figs).
Revision. Kato, 2022a: 124, 136-138 (type-mat, descr, key, comparison, figs).
Key. Podenas et al., 2020a: 283, 293 (key, fig wing).
Immatures. Krivosheina, N.P., 2009d: 135-140 (descr, figs, larva, comparison, systematic position).
Characters. Polevoi et al., 2018: 6-7 (diagnosis, figs).
on distribution (mainly from 2000 onward):
Distribution. Snegovaya, 2021: 1135 (checklist with details on distr in Azerbaijan).
Country not relevant
Distribution. Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c: 1-294 (larva: loc(s), descr, figs, biology, key) (in Russian, key also in English).
Czech Rep.
Distribution. Stary et al., 2005a: 25 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
Distribution. Stary et al., 2013b: 377 (on Limonidae from Vraz near Pisek, with general habitat description).
Distribution. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 63 (on localities in Bohemia, with list of localities, altitudes and habitats).
First record. Rasimus in litt., 2023: (recorded on Finlands Artdatacenter ( from North Savo (PS), including photos (see above); see website for habitat information (in Finnish).
Distribution. Schacht, 1999: 135 (checklist Bayern) (as Microlimonia).
Distribution. Reusch and Oosterbroek, 2000: 160 (checklist German Bundeslander).
Distribution. Schacht, 2005: 5 (checklist Bayern).
First record. Stary and Delmastro, 2001: 453, 456 (loc(s), distr).
Distribution. Podenas et al., 2017: 270 (type-loc).
Distribution. Kato, 2022a: 136-138, 140 (type-loc(s) Honshu, loc(s) major islands and Yakushima, distr. map).
Distribution. Suzuki et al., 2022: 90 (info and loc(s) Honshu, distr) (in Japanese).
Distribution. Kato and Yamauchi, 2023: 12-13 (loc(s) Yakushima Is with list of habitats).
Distribution. Kato, 2023a: 24 (loc(s) Honshu) (in Japanese).
First record. Pakalniskis et al., 2000: 7 (checklist) (details in Podenas and Pakalniskis, 2000).
Distribution. Podenas and Pakalniskis, 2000: 22 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Pakalniskis et al., 2006: 17 (checklist).
North Korea
First record. Podenas et al., 2017: 270 (loc(s), distr, map).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2007a: 74 (checklist).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2015a: 54 (on the flight activity of Limoniidae in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, tables also in English).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2017a: 24 (faunistic and habitat data of species from the Gorce NP) (in Polish).
Distribution. Ujvarosi, 2005a: 244 (no details).
Distribution. Ujvarosi, 2007: 228-231 (checklist Limoniidae).
Distribution. Pilipenko and Sidorenko, 2006b: 146 (checklist Kedrovaya Pad, distr) (in Russian).
Distribution. Krivosheina, N.P., 2009d: 135 (loc(s) Primorskiy kray, distr).
Distribution. Pilipenko, 2009c: 333 (loc(s) Lazovsky Nature Reserve, Primorskiy kray).
First record. Gavryushin in litt., 2011b: (loc(s) RUC: Moskovskaya oblast, first record for European part of Russia).
Distribution. Polevoi et al., 2018: 6 (loc(s) RUN: Kareliya, Kivach Nature Reserve and new for Kareliya, distr).
Distribution. Stary, 2009d: 34 (loc(s) Polana area).
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 18 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Kolcsar et al., 2023b: 11 (loc(s)).
South Korea
First record. Podenas et al., 2017: 270-272 (loc(s), distr, map).
Distribution. Podenas et al., 2006: 28, 154, 200 (map, vertical distr per thermic level).
on flight period (mainly from 2000 onward):
Czech Rep.
Stary et al., 2005a: month(s): 6.
Stary and Vonicka, 2018: month(s): 7.
Stary and Delmastro, 2001: month(s): 7-9.
Podenas et al., 2017: month(s): 5.
Kato, 2022a: month(s): 4-10.
Suzuki et al., 2022: month(s): 5.
Kato and Yamauchi, 2023: month(s): 6-8, 10-11.
Kato, 2023a: month(s): 7.
Podenas and Pakalniskis, 2000: month(s): 6-7, 9.
North Korea
Podenas et al., 2017: month(s): 8.
Wiedenska, 2015a: month(s): 8.
Pilipenko, 2009c: month(s): 7.
Gavryushin in litt., 2011b: month(s): 6-7.
Polevoi et al., 2018: month(s): 7.
Stary, 2009d: month(s): 6-7.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 8.
Kolcsar et al., 2023b: month(s): 7.
South Korea
Podenas et al., 2017: month(s): 5-9.
Podenas et al., 2006: month(s): 6-9.
on altitude (mainly from 2000 onward):
Czech Rep.
Stary and Vonicka, 2018: altitude: 700 m.
Stary and Delmastro, 2001: altitude: 260-700 m.
Kato, 2022a: altitude: 40-1774 m.
Kato and Yamauchi, 2023: altitude: 150-1200 m.
North Korea
Podenas et al., 2017: altitude: 1219 m.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 490 m.
Kolcsar et al., 2023b: altitude: 900 m.
South Korea
Podenas et al., 2017: altitude: 11-810 m.

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