Details for Achyrolimonia decemmaculata
Name:Achyrolimonia decemmaculata (Loew, 1873)
Publication:Beschr. europ. Dipt. 3: 39 (as Limnobia)
Status:Recognized taxon.
Classification:Family Limoniidae
Subfamily Limoniinae
Descriptive note:Also described as nov spec in Loew, 1873b: Berl. ent. Z. 17: 35. Descriptive note in Alexander, 1975e.
Keys:Peeters en Oosterbroek, 2014c (craneflies Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) (in Dutch); Boardman, 2016 (craneflies Shropshire); Stubbs and Kramer, 2016h; Stubbs, 2021 (British craneflies)
Achyrolimonia decemmaculata : habitus - maleAchyrolimonia decemmaculata : habitus - maleAchyrolimonia decemmaculata : habitus - maleAchyrolimonia decemmaculata : habitus - maleAchyrolimonia decemmaculata : habitus - male
plus 33 more images of habitus, habitus, habitus, habitus, habitus, body part(s), hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, ovipositor, wing, wing, wing, wing, wing, wing, wing, wing, habitat, habitat, habitat, habitat, habitat, habitat, habitat and habitat.
Distribution:Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Rep., Denmark, Finland, France (incl. Corsica), Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy (incl. Sicily), Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (European part: Kirklareli), Ukraine; Russia: RUN, RUW, RUC, RUE, (North Caucasus; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey (Asiatic part: Bursa, Canakkale), Iran;; Kazakhstan (east).
Note: see the manual for abbreviations: present-day Russia.
Region(s):Westpalaearctic;; Eastpalaearctic
General note:Added: Bulgaria (Stary and Krzeminski, 1993b), Ireland (Ashe et al., 1998a). For Italy check Stary and Oosterbroek, 1996, and citations below. For Finland check Salmela, 2012b, 2012c, and citations below. For Portugal check Oosterbroek et al., 2020, and citations below. For Great Britain and Ireland check Stubbs, 2021, and citations below.
Map:Podenas et al., 2006 (Switzerland); Boardman, 2007 (Shropshire)
Biology:Edwards, 1921a (resting position).
Habitus: de Jong and Oosterbroek, 2002b (with pseudoscorpion); Mederos and Eiroa, 2016 (male); Mederos and Eiroa, 2017 (with pseudoscorpion)
Wing: Alexander, 1975e; Podenas et al., 2006; Mederos and Eiroa, 2016; James and Kramer, 2019
Hypopygium: Alexander, 1975e; Podenas et al., 2006; Mederos and Eiroa, 2016; James and Kramer, 2019; Kramer and Morris, 2022b

Immature stages
Larva: Podeniene, 2003a; Krivosheina, N.P., 2011c; Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c
Pupa: Krivosheina, N.P., 2011c

Mederos and Eiroa, 2017 (habitat)
Citationson biology (mainly from 2000 onward):
Habitat. Stary and Obona, 2020: 135 (loc(s); with list of localities, habitats and altitudes).
Country not relevant
Habitat. Sevcik, 2003: 159 (associated with the wood-decaying fungus Phlebia tremellosa, Corticiaceae, citing Sevcik, 2001).
Habitat. Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c: 1-294 (larva: loc(s), descr, figs, biology, key) (in Russian, key also in English).
Habitat. Krivosheina, N.P., 2011c: 966-975 (detailed report of the trees, fungi and conditions from which larvae were reared in Krasnodarskiy kray as well as Azerbaijan, review of the literature).
Czech Rep.
Habitat. Sevcik, 2006: 7 (rearing records for three species of host fungi, all three having rather inconspicuous fruit bodies covering the surface of dead tree trunks).
Biology. Sevcik, 2010: 8 (on Czech and Slovak Diptera associated with fungi; review of published records; new records; summary: most of the host fungi have rather inconspicuous fruit bodies covering the surface of dead tree trunks; on the other hand, D. confragosa has rather tough fruit body, so it is possible that the larva lived mainly in the space between the fungus and wood.
Habitat. Stary et al., 2013b: 377 (on Limonidae from Vraz near Pisek, with general habitat description).
Habitat. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 62 (on Limoniidae and Pediciidae of two localities in northern Bohemia, with list of localities, altitudes and habitats).
Biology. Byriel et al., 2016: 39-41, 43 (species was mainly found in unmanaged forests, primarily sampled around larger pieces of deadwood, but also in areas with small amounts of deadwood; see paper for details; in Denmark apparently two generations a year).
Habitat. Byriel and Rojas, 2017: 118 (among the 101 species in a study on cranefly hotspots in unmanaged and managed forests) (in Danish).
Habitat. Salmela and Stary, 2009: 271 (adults were obtained from trunk-emergence traps on Betula logs lying on the forest floor and decayed by polyporous fungi).
Habitat. Halme et al., 2012: 507 (part of a study on saproxylic nematoceran communities occupying different parts of decaying fallen Aspen trunks in a boreal forest in central Finland).
Habitat. Salmela, 2012c: 10 (classified as a saproxylic and/or fungivorous species).
Habitat. Rasimus, 2022: 5 (on the craneflies fauna of Tavastia australis biogeographical province) (in Finnish).
Habitat. Kramer and Withers, 2007: 160 (species with larvae in dry or more or less wet decaying wood, citing Brindle, 1960c).
Habitat. Withers, 2008: 133 (dead wood species).
Biology. Quindroit, 2020a: 34, 45-48 (annotated list with information on abundancy and habitat of the Tipuloidea of Pays de la Loire: Mayenne (53), Sarthe (72), Loire-Atlantique (44), Maine-et-Loire (49) and Vendee (85)) (in French).
Habitat. Quindroit, 2020b: 133 (loc(s) Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62) with notes on habitats and distr) (in French).
Habitat. Stary and Obona, 2020: 135 (loc(s); with list of localities, habitats and altitudes).
Habitat. Reiff et al., 2015: 233 (loc(s) Baden-Wurttemberg with list of habitats).
Great Britain
Habitat. Godfrey, 2000a: 20, 22.
Habitat. Godfrey, 2001a: 21, 24.
Habitat. Alexander, 2002: 90 (larvae develop in dead wood invaded by fungi, polyphagous in Polyporaceae, Meruliaceae and Thelephoraceae).
Habitat. Drake, 2003b: 48 (found at Lopham and Redgrave Fen NNR on the border of Norfolk and Suffolk; a saproxylic and woodland-edge species).
Habitat. Godfrey, 2003a: 20, 43 (incidentally associated with old woody debris).
Habitat. Stubbs, 2003: 41, 48, 68, 80 (occurring in a wide range of woodland types, including wood pasture, but mainly in ancient or old secondary woodland; hedgerows with dense mature Elm [Ulmus] used to support the species in the past; larvae are found in fungus infested wood (usually under bark or in a rot hole) and in saproxylic fruiting bodies (usually at the base where association with the wood is greatest); adults can be swept from about dead wood but are usually only found in very low numbers; the paper reviews British records).
Habitat. Boardman, 2007: 74 (woodland species associated with fungi growing on logs).
Habitat. Chandler, 2010c: 431 (overview of known fungus associations; polyphagous in Polyporales, both brackets and encrusting).
Habitat. Drake, 2011a: 24 (among the Diptera from a wet Alder [Alnus] wood in Devon).
Habitat. Kramer, 2011j: 20 (a woodland species).
Habitat. Kramer, 2013i: 6 (emerged from the fungus Tricholoma album, citing Audcent, 1949).
Habitat. Brighton, 2017c: 28, 38 (overall regional checklist Lancashire and Cheshire (VC58, 59 and 60) with notes on habitats and/or regional occurrence and/or status; see paper for details).
Habitat. Cunningham, 2019: 17 (at woodlands along the River Avon, Devon).
Habitat. Kramer and Morris, 2022b: 15 (info on the species, on the distr and map of loc(s) Leicestershire and Rutland (VC55); woodland species).
Habitat. Podenas and Podeniene, 2008: 352 (larvae developing in wet soil under leaf litter).
Habitat. Podeniene, 2003a: 1-295 (larva, descr, figs, habitat) (in Lithuanian).
Habitat. Podeniene, 2003b: 24 (larval habitat: mushrooms).
Habitat. Podeniene et al., 2010: 237 (list of fungi in which larvae develop, citing Podenas, 1995).
Biology. Gorban and Podeniene, 2022: 5, 8 (loc(s); reared from Linden [Tilia cordata], mycetophagous species; see paper for details).
Habitat. Kolcsar et al., 2013: 71 (loc(s) Cluj-Napoca and surroundings; list of habitats with altitudes).
Habitat. Krivosheina, N.P., 2009a: 125-133 (review Russian xylophilous Limoniidae, mainly inhabiting bark and wood of decomposing trees, with new original data on larval biology) (in Russian).
Habitat. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 12 (ravine, wetland).
Biology. Sevcik, 2010: 8 (on Czech and Slovak Diptera associated with fungi; review of published records; new records; summary: most of the host fungi have rather inconspicuous fruit bodies covering the surface of dead tree trunks; on the other hand, D. confragosa has rather tough fruit body, so it is possible that the larva lived mainly in the space between the fungus and wood.
Biology. Mederos and Zaragoza, 2017: 133-135 (a case of phoretic association between Pselaphochernes scorpioides (Hermann, 1804) and Achyrolimonia decemmaculata (Loew, 1873) is reported, representing the first record of phoresy involving pseudoscorpions and limonids in the Iberian Peninsula, figs) (in Spanish).
Habitat. Fritz and Lindstrom, 2013: 23, 62 (on distribution, habitat preference and habitat conservation in nature reserved forest and tree habitats in Hallands County) (in Schwedish).
on characters and taxonomy (mainly from 2000 onward):
Country not relevant
Immatures. Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c: 1-294 (larva: loc(s), descr, figs, biology, key) (in Russian, key also in English).
Immatures. Podenas et al., 2020a: 291 (comparison larva, pupa).
Figures. Byriel et al., 2016: 41 (recognition, figs).
Great Britain
Characters. Boardman, 2007: 74 (characters).
Characters. Kramer and Morris, 2022b: 15 (diagnosis, figs).
Immatures. Podeniene, 2003a: 1-295 (larva, descr, figs, habitat) (in Lithuanian).
Immatures. Podeniene et al., 2010: 237-240 (key to crane fly larvae developing in mushrooms, figs).
Characters. Ferreira et al., 2021: 8 (barcoding based on material mentioned in Oosterbroek et al. 2020).
Immatures. Krivosheina, N.P., 2011c: 966-975 (descr larva, pupa, key, comparison, figs).
on distribution (mainly from 2000 onward):
Distribution. Obona et al., 2016: 134, 140 (loc(s), checklist).
Distribution. Hakobyan and Jenderedjian, 2023: 1512 (annotated checklist of the craneflies of Armenia with refs, distr and flight period in Caucasus Ecoregion with refs).
Distribution. Krivosheina, N.P., 2011c: 966-975 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Stary and Obona, 2020: 135 (loc(s); with list of localities, habitats and altitudes).
Distribution. Snegovaya, 2021: 1134 (checklist with details on distr in Azerbaijan).
Distribution. Hubenov, 2017: 70 (on vertical distribution in the Pirin and Rila Mts; see paper for details on forests and subalpine-alpine zones, distr).
Distribution. Hubenov, 2021a: 36 (checklist with summary of distr in Bulgaria, references).
Channel Is
Distribution. Stubbs, 2022b: 5 (on a collection of craneflies from Jersey, collected between 1985 and 2002 by Tony Warne).
Country not relevant
Distribution. Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c: 1-294 (larva: loc(s), descr, figs, biology, key) (in Russian, key also in English).
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 446 (review literature).
Czech Rep.
Distribution. Stary et al., 2005a: 25 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Sevcik, 2006: 7 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
Distribution. Stary et al., 2013b: 377 (on Limonidae from Vraz near Pisek, with general habitat description).
Distribution. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 62 (on Limoniidae and Pediciidae of two localities in northern Bohemia, with list of localities, altitudes and habitats).
Distribution. Petersen and de Jong, 2001b: 148 (because of neighbouring distribution likely to occur in Denmark).
First record. Fugleognatur, 2012: (found in Denmark, for details see including figures of male).
Distribution. Byriel et al., 2016: 39 (loc(s) Denmark, distr).
Distribution. Halme et al., 2012: 507 (part of a study on saproxylic nematoceran communities occupying different parts of decaying fallen Aspen trunks in a boreal forest in central Finland).
Distribution. Salmela, 2012b: 236 (annotated list of Finnish crane flies).
Distribution. Salmela and Petrasiunas, 2014: 29 (checklist Finnish Tipulomorpha).
Distribution. Rasimus, 2022: 5 (on the craneflies fauna of Tavastia australis biogeographical province) (in Finnish).
Distribution. Kramer and Withers, 2007: 160, 163 (loc(s) Ain (01)).
Distribution. Withers, 2008: 133, 137 (loc(s) Ain (01)).
Distribution. Quindroit, 2020a: 34, 45-48 (annotated list with information on abundancy and habitat of the Tipuloidea of Pays de la Loire: Mayenne (53), Sarthe (72), Loire-Atlantique (44), Maine-et-Loire (49) and Vendee (85)) (in French).
Distribution. Quindroit, 2020b: 133 (loc(s) Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62) with notes on habitats and distr) (in French).
Distribution. Tissot et al., 2021: 208 (the Diptera of the Reserves Naturelles Nationales du Doubs (25), results of Malaise trapping since 2009) (in French).
Distribution. Quindroit et al., 2023: 498 (first record for Corsica, without further details).
Distribution. Stary and Obona, 2020: 135 (loc(s); with list of localities, habitats and altitudes).
Distribution. Schacht, 1999: 135 (checklist Bayern).
Distribution. Reusch and Bellstedt, 2000: 263 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Reusch and Oosterbroek, 2000: 160 (checklist German Bundeslander).
Distribution. Reusch and Bellstedt, 2001b: 74 (checklist Thuringen).
Distribution. Reusch et al., 2004: 117 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Schacht, 2005: 4 (checklist Bayern).
Distribution. Hable et al., 2010b: 90 (loc(s) Bayern).
Distribution. Schacht, 2010: 16 (checklist Diptera Bayern).
Distribution. Reiff et al., 2015: 233 (loc(s) Baden-Wurttemberg with list of habitats).
Distribution. Stuke, 2019: 141 (checklist Niedersachsen and Bremen with reference to original sources).
Distribution. Stuke et al., 2024: 161 (loc(s) Niedersachsen).
Great Britain
Distribution. Godfrey, 2000a: 20, 22 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Godfrey, 2001a: 21, 24 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Alexander, 2002: 90 (distr).
Distribution. Drake, 2003b: 48 (found at Lopham and Redgrave Fen NNR on the border of Norfolk and Suffolk; a saproxylic and woodland-edge species).
Distribution. Godfrey, 2003a: 20, 43 (loc(s), distr).
Distribution. Stubbs, 2003: 48, 80 (distr in GB).
Distribution. Boardman, 2007: 74 (loc(s), map).
Distribution. Kramer, 2009f: 1 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Drake, 2011a: 24 (loc(s) Devon).
Distribution. Kramer, 2011j: 20 (loc(s) Leicestershire and Rutland (VC55)).
Distribution. Hewitt, 2014: (provisional checklist Cumbrian Diptera).
Distribution. Chandler, 2015: 90 (loc(s) Bushy Park, Middlesex).
Distribution. Brighton, 2017a: 6 (loc(s) Cheshire, Merseyside).
Distribution. Brighton, 2017c: 28, 38 (overall regional checklist Lancashire and Cheshire (VC58, 59 and 60) with notes on habitats and/or regional occurrence and/or status; see paper for details).
Distribution. Boardman, 2018: 3 (loc(s) Staffordshire).
Distribution. Cunningham, 2019: 17 (at woodlands along the River Avon, Devon).
Distribution. Kramer and Morris, 2022b: 15 (info on the species, on the distr and map of loc(s) Leicestershire and Rutland (VC55); woodland species).
Distribution. Chandler, 2004a: 136 (listed as Irish, based on Ashe et al., 1998a).
Distribution. Chandler et al., 2008: 12 (checklist).
Distribution. Podenas and Podeniene, 2008: 347, 351 (loc(s), annotated checklist South Tyrol [Prov. Bolzano]).
First record. Devyatkov, 2020a: 49: (loc(s) East Kazakhstan, distr, first record for the Eastpalaearctic) (in Russian).
Distribution. Pakalniskis et al., 2006: 17 (checklist).
Distribution. Gorban and Podeniene, 2022: 5, 8 (loc(s); reared from Linden [Tilia cordata], mycetophagous species; see paper for details).
First record. Theowald, 1971b: 223, 232 (XXX).
Distribution. de Jong and Oosterbroek, 2002b: 33 (checklist).
Distribution. Barendregt, 2015: 9 (loc(s) prov. Groningen).
First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 11-12 (loc(s) Aust- and Vest-Agder).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2007a: 74 (checklist).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2008: 46-48 (loc(s) Parowy Janinowski nature reserve near Lodz) (in Polish).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2010: 131 (loc(s) Parku Krajobrazowego Wzniesien Lodzkich, Lodz).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2015b: 56 (loc(s) near Lodz).
Distribution. Wiedenska and Syratt, 2023: 145 (loc(s) Bieszczady Mountains, distr and remarks).
First record. Stary, 2014b: 89 (loc(s) Faro).
Distribution. Oosterbroek et al., 2020: 329 (known from Faro only, distr).
Distribution. Ujvarosi, 2007: 228-231 (checklist Limoniidae).
Distribution. Kolcsar et al., 2013: 71 (loc(s) Cluj-Napoca and surroundings; list of habitats with altitudes).
Distribution. Polevoi and Humala, 2005: 181 (RUN: list of Diptera of Vepsskaya Volost, Kareliya) (in Russian).
Distribution. Krivosheina, N.P., 2011c: 966-975 (loc(s) North Caucasus: Krasnodarskiy kray).
Distribution. Lantsov, 2016: 165-170 (on craneflies from Arkhyz, Karachay-Cherkessia Rep., North Caucasus) (in Russian).
Distribution. Paramonov and Pilipenko, 2016: 99 (loc(s) RUC: Tverskaya oblast, distr) (in Russian).
Distribution. Paramonov, 2018a: 183 (loc(s) RUC: Chuvash Rep., distr) (in Russian).
Distribution. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 12 (loc(s) RUE: Bashkortostan Rep. and Tatarstan Rep.).
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 446 (review literature).
Distribution. Stary, 2009d: 33 (loc(s) Polana area).
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 446 (review literature).
First record. Mederos and Eiroa, 2016: 123 (Barcelona: loc(s) Parc Natural Serra de Collserola).
Distribution. Mederos and Eiroa, 2017: 188 (Barcelona: loc(s) Parc Natural Serra de Collserola, distr; for associated pseudoscorpion see Mederos and Zaragoza, 2017).
Distribution. Mederos and Zaragoza, 2017: 133 (Barcelona: loc(s) Parc Natural Serra de Collserola).
Distribution. Mederos et al., 2019b: 213 (Barcelona: checklist Parc Natural Serra de Collserola).
Distribution. Fritz and Lindstrom, 2013: 23, 62 (on distribution, habitat preference and habitat conservation in nature reserved forest and tree habitats in Hallands County) (in Schwedish).
Distribution. Podenas et al., 2006: 152, 197 (map, vertical distr per thermic level).
First record. Koc et al., 2016: 8 (loc(s) European and Asiatic part, Marmara region).
on flight period (mainly from 2000 onward):
Obona et al., 2016: month(s): 8.
Stary and Obona, 2020: month(s): 5.
Channel Is
Stubbs, 2022b: month(s): 10.
Czech Rep.
Stary et al., 2005a: month(s): 5-7.
Sevcik, 2006: month(s): 9-11.
Sevcik, 2010: month(s): 7-11.
Stary and Vonicka, 2018: month(s): 5-6.
Fugleognatur, 2012: month(s): 9.
Byriel et al., 2016: month(s): 6, 9.
Byriel et al., 2016: month(s): 6, 9.
Kramer and Withers, 2007: month(s): 5.
Quindroit, 2020a: month(s): 6-7.
Quindroit, 2020b: month(s): 4, 7-10.
Stary and Obona, 2020: month(s): 5.
Reusch and Bellstedt, 2000: month(s): 6.
Reusch et al., 2004: month(s): 6.
Reiff et al., 2015: month(s): 6-7, 10.
Stuke et al., 2024: month(s): 6.
Great Britain
Godfrey, 2000a: month(s): 6.
Godfrey, 2001a: month(s): 5.
Kramer, 2009f: month(s): 5.
Kramer, 2011j: month(s): 6.
Chandler, 2015: month(s): 8-10.
Brighton, 2017a: month(s): 5, 8.
Cunningham, 2019: month(s): 9.
Kramer and Morris, 2022b: month(s): 5-9.
Podenas and Podeniene, 2008: month(s): 6.
Devyatkov, 2020a: month(s): 8.
Barendregt, 2015: month(s): 5.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 7-9.
Wiedenska, 2008: month(s): 8, 10.
Wiedenska and Syratt, 2023: month(s): 7, 9.
Stary, 2014b: month(s): 4-5.
Kolcsar et al., 2013: month(s): 9.
Paramonov and Pilipenko, 2016: month(s): 5, 8.
Paramonov, 2018a: month(s): 8.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 8.
Stary, 2009d: month(s): 5-6, 9.
Sevcik, 2010: month(s): 7-11.
Mederos and Eiroa, 2016: month(s): 5.
Mederos and Eiroa, 2017: month(s): 5.
Mederos and Zaragoza, 2017: month(s): 5.
Podenas et al., 2006: month(s): 5-9.
Koc et al., 2016: month(s): 5, 7, 10.
on altitude (mainly from 2000 onward):
Obona et al., 2016: altitude: 1197-1354 m.
Stary and Obona, 2020: altitude: 600-1330 m.
Hubenov, 2017: altitude: 1200 m.
Hubenov, 2021a: altitude: 1200 m.
Stary and Obona, 2020: altitude: 810-1040 m.
Reusch et al., 2004: altitude: 310 m.
Reiff et al., 2015: altitude: 666-671 m.
Stuke et al., 2024: altitude: 200-270 m.
Podenas and Podeniene, 2008: altitude: 1220 m.
Devyatkov, 2020a: altitude: 465 m.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 10-180 m.
Wiedenska and Syratt, 2023: altitude: 500-750 m.
Stary, 2014b: altitude: 430-500 m.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 80-700 m.
Stary, 2009d: altitude: 630-780 m.
Mederos and Eiroa, 2016: altitude: 230 m.
Koc et al., 2016: altitude: 35-1250 m.

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