Details for Austrolimnophila (Austrolimnophila) ochracea
Name:Austrolimnophila (Austrolimnophila) ochracea (Meigen, 1804)
Publication:Klass. Beschr. 1: 55 (as Limonia)
Status:Recognized taxon, Synonym(s): sessilis (Macquart, 1826); aberrans (Walker, 1848); tempestiva (Walker, 1848); pallida (Beling, 1873); benoisti (Seguy, 1938).
Classification:Family Limoniidae
Subfamily Limnophilinae
Descriptive note:Synonymy: Stary, 2006a.
Keys:Stary, 2014b (Westpalaearctic Austrolimnophila (Austrolimnophila)); Boardman, 2016 (craneflies Shropshire); Peeters en Oosterbroek, 2016c (craneflies Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) (in Dutch); Stubbs and Kramer, 2016g; Stubbs, 2021 (British craneflies)
Austrolimnophila (Austrolimnophila) ochracea : habitus - maleAustrolimnophila (Austrolimnophila) ochracea : habitus - maleAustrolimnophila (Austrolimnophila) ochracea : habitus - maleAustrolimnophila (Austrolimnophila) ochracea : habitus - maleAustrolimnophila (Austrolimnophila) ochracea : habitus - male
plus 37 more images of habitus, habitus, habitus, habitus, habitus, habitus, habitus, habitus, body part(s), body part(s), body part(s), body part(s), body part(s), body part(s), body part(s), hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, hypopygium, ovipositor, ovipositor, ovipositor, ovipositor, wing, wing, wing, wing, wing, wing, wing, wing, habitat and habitat.
Distribution:Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Rep., Denmark (incl. Faroe Is), France (incl. Corsica), Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Italy (incl. Sardinia, Sicily), Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey (European part: Istanbul), Ukraine; Russia: RUC, North Caucasus; Azerbaijan, Turkey (Asiatic part: Kutahya, Marmara region), Iran.
Note: see the manual for abbreviations: present-day Russia.
General note:Added: Faeroe Is (Seguy, 1963). For Italy check Stary and Oosterbroek, 1996, and citations below. For Norway check Olsen et al., 2018, and citations below. For Great Britain and Ireland check Stubbs, 2021, and citations below.
Map:Ashe et al., 2005a (Ireland); Podenas et al., 2006 (Switzerland); Boardman, 2007 (Shropshire); Quindroit, 2020c (world, France)
Biology:Hovemeyer, 1998 (assoc. with dead Fagus wood).
Habitus: Quindroit, 2020c (male); Wermelinger, 2021 (female)
Wing: Slipka and Stary, 1977b; Podenas et al., 2006; Boardman, 2007; Stary, 2008b; Ozgul and Koc, 2010; Kramer and Morris, 2022b
Hypopygium: Stary, 1977a; Podenas et al., 2006; Ozgul and Koc, 2010; Quindroit, 2020c

Immature stages
Larva: Podeniene, 2003a; Krivosheina, N.P., 2010a; Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c; Wermelinger, 2021
Pupa: Quindroit, 2020c
Citationson biology (mainly from 2000 onward):
Habitat. Krivosheina, N.P., 2009a: 125-133 (review Russian xylophilous Limoniidae, mainly inhabiting bark and wood of decomposing trees, citing various authors) (in Russian).
Country not relevant
Habitat. Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c: 1-294 (larva: loc(s), descr, figs, biology, key) (in Russian, key also in English).
Czech Rep.
Habitat. Stary et al., 2013b: 377 (on Limonidae from Vraz near Pisek, with general habitat description).
Habitat. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 49 (on Limoniidae and Pediciidae of two localities in northern Bohemia, with list of localities, altitudes and habitats).
Habitat. Nielsen and Nielsen, 2009: 121, 129, 131 (emerging from a forest floor in a Beech [Fagus] stand)(in Danish).
Habitat. Byriel and Rojas, 2017: 118 (among the 101 species in a study on cranefly hotspots in unmanaged and managed forests) (in Danish).
Habitat. Kramer and Withers, 2007: 160 (species with larvae in dry or more or less wet decaying wood, citing Brindle, 1960c).
Habitat. Kramer, 2007a: 33 (adults were collected in woodland).
Habitat. Withers, 2008: 133 (dead wood species).
Habitat. Kramer and Langlois, 2019a: 82 (on larval rotting wood habitats in the Ravin de Valbois; see paper for details).
Biology. Quindroit, 2020a: 30, 45-48 (annotated list with information on abundancy and habitat of the Tipuloidea of Pays de la Loire: Mayenne (53), Sarthe (72), Loire-Atlantique (44), Maine-et-Loire (49) and Vendee (85)) (in French).
Habitat. Quindroit, 2020b: 134 (loc(s) Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62) with notes on habitats and distr) (in French).
Habitat. Quindroit, 2020c: 356-358 (review French records and habitats, map, map world distr) (in French).
Habitat. Quindroit et al., 2021: 256-258 (collected during an entomological inventory in the canopy of Oak [Quercus] stands; forestieres, saproxyliques).
Habitat. Quindroit, 2021a: 36 (loc(s), resultats d une campagne de piegeage dans le Pas-de-Calais (62); see paper for details on habitat).
Habitat. Hovemeyer and Schauermann, 2003: 66-68 (found in a study on succession of Diptera on dead Beach [Fagus] wood near Gottingen; see paper for details).
Habitat. Hevers, 2004: 376 (immatures were found (bei bzw. in vermoderndem Stocken von gefallten Laubholsbaumen, citing Beling) (as pallida) (repeated in Hevers, 2005: 480).
Habitat. Lehmann and Reusch, 2009: 122 (from around lowland springs).
Habitat. Reusch and Hohmann, 2009: 129 (from spring brooks).
Habitat. Reusch and Weber, 2013: 270 (found in caves, with references for Germany).
Habitat. Reusch and Weber, 2013: 270 (found in caves, with references for Germany).
Great Britain
Habitat. Godfrey, 2000a: 20, 22.
Habitat. Godfrey, 2001a: 11-12, 21-23, 29-33 (reared from wet and rotten logs).
Habitat. Rotheray, 2001: 15 (reared from Alder [Alnus], Elm [Ulmus], Birch [Betula] and other trees).
Habitat. Alexander, 2002: 90 (woodlands; larvae develop in dead wood, even small pieces).
Habitat. Hancock, 2002: 13, 14 (well known as an associate of decaying wood, often small timber including twigs, recorded in this study emerging from water-logged wood).
Habitat. Godfrey, 2003a: 21, 43 (review of association with woody debris; review literature).
Habitat. Stubbs, 2003: 81 (common in, even small, dead wood).
Habitat. Roper, 2005: 213 (emerging from a standing, dead Quercus tree-trunk).
Biology. Stubbs, 2006a: 134 (behaviour and feeding on Acer pseudoplatanus leaves).
Habitat. Boardman, 2007: 61 (recorded from a number of different types of woodland, as well as scrub).
Habitat. Alexander, 2009: 68 (in list of wood-decay flies from the Lanhydrock Estate, East Cornwall).
Habitat. Kramer, 2009g: 2 (collected in damp wooded valleys).
Habitat. Chandler, 2010b: 241+242 (sometimes appears in great numbers around dead wood under shade).
Habitat. Drake, 2011a: 13, 24 (among the Diptera from a wet Alder [Alnus] wood in Devon).
Habitat. Kramer, 2011j: 18 (larvae are wood-feeders).
Habitat. Showers, 2015: 2 (on craneflies in moth traps at Pitsford Water Nature Reserve in 2013 and 2014, including information for the two traps and photos of their habitat).
Habitat. Alexander and Jones, 2016: 93 (among species from cavity emergence trapping from historic Ash [Fraxinus] pollards at a Cotswold wood pasture, Worcestershire).
Habitat. Brighton, 2017c: 27, 36 (overall regional checklist Lancashire and Cheshire (VC58, 59 and 60) with notes on habitats and/or regional occurrence and/or status; see paper for details).
Habitat. Hewitt et al., 2017: 71 (loc(s) Borrowdale, Cumbria; a wood decay associated species recorded from Borrowdale Ash [Fraxinus] pollards; see paper for details).
Habitat. Stubbs, 2018b: 2 (saproxylic in wet scrub carr).
Biology. Harvey, 2021: 5 (brief notes on rearing records for craneflies; a larva was found in the decaying wood of an acient Beech tree [Fagus sylvatica] on 25 january 1998, kept indoors, an adult male emerged on 11 april 1998; loc Berkshire).
Habitat. Kramer and Morris, 2022b: 4 (info on the species, on the distr and map of loc(s) Leicestershire and Rutland (VC55); larvae are feeders in rotting wood).
Biology. Wolton, 2022: 6-8 (on observations on the phenology and sex ratios of craneflies (Limoniidae) found in emergencetraps, showing phenology charts for six species of Limoniidae from four emergence traps running between the beginning of may and the end of october 2020 in a wet woodland at Locks Park Farm, Devon; see paper for details on this apparently univoltine species).
Habitat. Ashe et al., 2005a: 317-320, 335 (bred from mossy woodland litter, citing Blackith et al., 1991).
Habitat. Ashe et al., 2008: 12 (developing in all kinds of decaying wood).
Habitat. Stary, 2003a: 125.
Habitat. Podenas, 2011: 863 (larvae develop in wet leaf litter of deciduous trees).
Habitat. Podeniene, 2003a: 1-295 (larva, descr, figs, habitat) (in Lithuanian).
Biology. Gorban and Podeniene, 2022: 5, 8 (loc(s); reared from Linden [Tilia cordata], obligate saproxylic species; see paper for details).
Habitat. Reusch and Weber, 2013: 270 (found in caves, summary of biology).
Habitat. Cuppen, 2009: 6 (larvae in saturated dead wood under water).
Habitat. Hop and Moonen, 2021: 37 (on the occurrence (rarity) in Dutch inland waters) (in Dutch).
Habitat. Wiedenska, 2014: 12 (on the occurence of Limoniidae in six selected plant communities in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, habitat tables also in English).
Phenology. Wiedenska, 2015a: 52 (on the flight activity of Limoniidae in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, tables also in English).
Habitat. Wiedenska, 2017a: 12 (faunistic and habitat data of species from the Gorce NP) (in Polish).
Habitat. Parvu, 2004: 184 (mixed forest).
Habitat. Ujvarosi et al., 2011b: 107 (loc(s) Dupa Lanca marshy area near Voslobeni) (in Hungarian, species list with habitat information in English).
Habitat. Kolcsar et al., 2013: 71 (loc(s) Cluj-Napoca and surroundings; list of habitats with altitudes).
Habitat. Krivosheina, N.P., 2010a: 221, 225-228 (larvae develop in the wood of trunks without bark of various deciduous trees lying on soil) (in Russian with English summary).
Habitat. Lantsov, 2017b: 107 (on dominant species of the crane flies (Diptera, Tipuloidea) of the North Caucasus as biological indicators of habitats, first record for North Caucasus [without details], Dagestan [Dagestan after Lantsov pers. comm. october 2017]) (in Russian).
Habitat. Paramonov and Korobkov, 2019: 96 (loc(s) RUC: Tverskaya oblast, distr, habitat, citing various authors) (in Russian).
Habitat. Lindstrom and Fritz, 2015: 44, 47 (distributin and ecology in five fens in Hallands County) (in Schwedish).
on characters and taxonomy (mainly from 2000 onward):
Country not relevant
Phylogeny. Michelsen, 1996: 101 (ingroup taxon in a study titled: Neodiptera: New insights into the adult morphology and higher level phylogeny of Diptera (Insecta)).
Synonymy. Stary, 2006a: 176 (synonymy benoisti).
Immatures. Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c: 1-294 (larva: loc(s), descr, figs, biology, key) (in Russian, key also in English).
Key. Stary, 2014a: 360 (key westpalaearctic Austrolimnophila (Austrolimnophila).
Characters. Quindroit, 2020c: 353-355 (identification and discrimating characters between A. (A.) latistyla and A. (A.) ochracea, figs) (in French).
Great Britain
Characters. Boardman, 2007: 61 (characters, figs).
Characters. Kramer and Morris, 2022b: 4 (diagnosis, figs).
Immatures. Podeniene, 2003a: 1-295 (larva, descr, figs, habitat) (in Lithuanian).
Immatures. Krivosheina, N.P., 2010a: 225-228 (descr and figs larva) (in Russian).
on distribution (mainly from 2000 onward):
Distribution. Reusch and Heiss, 2012: 314-322 (loc(s) Nat. Park Gesause, see PDF for months and altitudes).
First record. Krivosheina, N.P., 2009a: 126 (recorded for Azerbaijan: Lenkoran [= Lankaran]) (in Russian).
Distribution. Snegovaya, 2021: 1135 (checklist with details on distr in Azerbaijan).
First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 20-21 (loc(s) Minks region).
Distribution. Peeters in litt., 2016: (among Malaisetrap material from Jardin Massart, Brussels).
Distribution. Dek and Peeters, 2023a: 135 (loc(s) Botanic Garden Jean Massart, Brussels-Capital Region, common in Belgium).
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 445 (review literature).
Distribution. Hubenov, 2015: 220 (annotated list Diptera Pirin Mt, loc(s), faunistics and zoogeography).
Distribution. Hubenov, 2017: 67 (on vertical distribution in the Pirin and Rila Mts; see paper for details on forests and subalpine-alpine zones, distr).
Distribution. Hubenov, 2018a: 15 (on the Diptera of the Vitosha Mt; see paper for details on vegetation belts and local distr).
Distribution. Hubenov, 2021a: 29 (checklist with summary of distr in Bulgaria, references).
Channel Is
Distribution. Stubbs, 2022b: 5 (on a collection of craneflies from Jersey, collected between 1985 and 2002 by Tony Warne and present in the Societe Jersiaise collection, identifier unknown).
Country not relevant
Distribution. Krivosheina and Krivosheina, 2011c: 1-294 (larva: loc(s), descr, figs, biology, key) (in Russian, key also in English).
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 445 (review literature).
Czech Rep.
Distribution. Stary et al., 2005a: 25 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
Distribution. Stary et al., 2013b: 377 (on Limonidae from Vraz near Pisek, with general habitat description).
Distribution. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 49 (on Limoniidae and Pediciidae of two localities in northern Bohemia, with list of localities, altitudes and habitats).
Distribution. Petersen and de Jong, 2001b: 148 (checklist).
Distribution. Nielsen and Nielsen, 2009: 121 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Stary, 2006a: 176 (type-loc(s) benoisti, distr).
Distribution. Kramer and Withers, 2007: 160, 163 (loc(s) Ain (01)).
Distribution. Kramer, 2007a: 33 (loc(s) Ain (01)).
Distribution. Withers, 2008: 133, 137 (loc(s) Ain (01)).
Distribution. Garrin and Herbrecht, 2016: Annexe 11 (loc(s) Notre-Dame-des-Landes, Loire-Atlantique (44)).
Distribution. Kramer and Langlois, 2019a: 76 (record(s) Ravin de Valbois, Doubs (25)).
Distribution. Kramer and Langlois, 2019b: 227 (list of craneflies captured 25-27 june 2019 in Ravin de Valbois, Doubs (25)).
Distribution. Quindroit, 2020a: 30, 45-48 (annotated list with information on abundancy and habitat of the Tipuloidea of Pays de la Loire: Mayenne (53), Sarthe (72), Loire-Atlantique (44), Maine-et-Loire (49) and Vendee (85)) (in French).
Distribution. Quindroit, 2020b: 134 (loc(s) Nord (59) and Pas-de-Calais (62) with notes on habitats and distr) (in French).
Distribution. Quindroit, 2020c: 356-358 (review French records and habitats, map, map world distr) (in French).
Distribution. Labat, 2021: 92 (on Diptera taxa recorded along the over-all length of the Dordogne River and some of its tributaries; see paper for the locality details) (in French).
Distribution. Quindroit et al., 2021: 257 (recorded for Loiret (45)).
Distribution. Quindroit, 2021a: 36 (loc(s), resultats d une campagne de piegeage dans le Pas-de-Calais (62); see paper for details on habitat).
Distribution. Tissot et al., 2021: 208 (the Diptera of the Reserves Naturelles Nationales du Doubs (25), results of Malaise trapping since 2009) (in French).
Distribution. Schacht, 1999: 134 (checklist Bayern).
Distribution. Reusch and Oosterbroek, 2000: 155 (checklist German Bundeslander).
Distribution. Reusch and Bellstedt, 2001b: 72 (checklist Thuringen).
Distribution. Hovemeyer and Schauermann, 2003: 66-68 (found in a study on succession of Diptera on dead Beach [Fagus] wood near Gottingen; see paper for details).
Distribution. Schacht, 2005: 4 (checklist Bayern).
Distribution. Lehmann and Reusch, 2009: 122 (loc(s) Niedersachsen).
Distribution. Reusch and Hohmann, 2009: 129 (loc(s) Sachsen-Anhalt).
Distribution. Hable et al., 2010b: 90 (loc(s) Bayern).
Distribution. Schacht, 2010: 16 (checklist Diptera Bayern).
Distribution. Dunk and Kraus, 2014: 169 (loc(s) Bayern).
Distribution. Stuke, 2019: 141 (checklist Niedersachsen and Bremen with reference to original sources).
Distribution. Kehlmaier et al., 2023: 208 (loc(s) Saarland).
Distribution. Stuke et al., 2024: 161 (loc(s) Niedersachsen).
Great Britain
Distribution. Godfrey, 2000a: 20, 22 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Godfrey, 2001a: 11-12, 21-23, 29-33 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Rotheray, 2001: 14 (loc(s) Scotland).
Distribution. Hancock, 2002: 13 (loc(s) Scotland).
Distribution. Godfrey, 2003a: 21, 43 (loc(s), distr, review literature).
Distribution. Hewitt et al., 2005: 38 (loc(s) Cumbria).
Distribution. Roper, 2005: 213 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Stubbs, 2006a: 134 (loc(s), behaviour and feeding on Acer pseudoplatanus leaves).
Distribution. Boardman, 2007: 61 (distr, map).
Distribution. Skidmore, 2008b: 68 (loc(s) Kerrera, Western Isles, Scotland).
Distribution. Alexander, 2009: 68 (in list of wood-decay flies from the Lanhydrock Estate, East Cornwall).
Distribution. Kramer, 2009g: 2 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Skidmore, 2009: 127 (review of occurrence on the Western Isles of Scotland, distr).
Distribution. Drake, 2011a: 24 (loc(s) Devon).
Distribution. Kramer, 2011g: 2 (loc(s) Devon).
Distribution. Kramer, 2011j: 18 (loc(s) Leicestershire and Rutland (VC55)).
Distribution. Kramer, 2013i: 8 (checklist of species from Leigh Woods NNR, Bristol district).
Distribution. Hewitt, 2014: (provisional checklist Cumbrian Diptera).
Distribution. Kramer, 2014c: 4 (in table of cranefly species recorded at Shapwick Heath NNR, as given in H. Audcent, 1949 and/or collected by J. Kramer in 2013).
Distribution. Wolton et al., 2014: 26 (among Diptera associated with a hedge in Devon, caught in emergence trap).
Distribution. Chandler, 2015: 89 (loc(s) Bushy Park, Middlesex).
Distribution. Showers, 2015: 2 (on craneflies in moth traps at Pitsford Water Nature Reserve in 2013 and 2014, including information for the two traps and photos of their habitat).
Distribution. Alexander and Jones, 2016: 93 (among species from cavity emergence trapping from historic Ash [Fraxinus] pollards at a Cotswold wood pasture, Worcestershire).
Distribution. Brighton, 2017c: 27, 36 (overall regional checklist Lancashire and Cheshire (VC58, 59 and 60) with notes on habitats and/or regional occurrence and/or status; see paper for details).
Distribution. Hewitt et al., 2017: 71 (loc(s) Borrowdale, Cumbria; a wood decay associated species recorded from Borrowdale Ash [Fraxinus] pollards; see paper for details).
Distribution. Stubbs, 2018b: 2 (loc(s) Staffordshire).
Distribution. Harvey, 2021: 5 (brief notes on rearing records for craneflies; a larva was found in the decaying wood of an acient Beech tree [Fagus sylvatica] on 25 january 1998, kept indoors, an adult male emerged on 11 april 1998; loc Berkshire).
Distribution. Kramer and Morris, 2022b: 4 (info on the species, on the distr and map of loc(s) Leicestershire and Rutland (VC55); larvae are feeders in rotting wood).
Distribution. Wolton, 2022: 6-8 (on observations on the phenology and sex ratios of craneflies (Limoniidae) found in emergencetraps, showing phenology charts for six species of Limoniidae from four emergence traps running between the beginning of may and the end of october 2020 in a wet woodland at Locks Park Farm, Devon; see paper for details on this apparently univoltine species).
Distribution. Ashe et al., 2005a: 317-320, 335 (review Irish records).
Distribution. Ashe et al., 2008: 12-13 (additional Irish record(s), distr).
Distribution. Chandler et al., 2008: 11 (checklist).
Distribution. Stary, 2003a: 125 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Podenas and Podeniene, 2008: 351 (annotated checklist South Tyrol [Prov. Bolzano]).
Distribution. Podenas, 2011: 863 (first record for Sardinia, distr).
Distribution. Pakalniskis et al., 2006: 17 (checklist).
Distribution. Gorban and Podeniene, 2022: 5, 8 (loc(s); reared from Linden [Tilia cordata], obligate saproxylic species; see paper for details).
Distribution. Vogtenhuber, 2007: 354 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Reusch and Weber, 2013: 270 (loc(s), map, distr).
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 445 (review literature).
Distribution. de Jong and Oosterbroek, 2002b: 31 (checklist).
Distribution. Cuppen, 2009: 6 (loc(s) larval records).
Distribution. Barendregt, 2015: 9 (loc(s) prov. Groningen).
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Dek, 2020: 16 (Limoniidae and Tipulidae Nationaal Park Hollandse Duinen in 2018, Zuid-Holland).
Distribution. Stary, 2020a: 45 (Limoniidae Kaaistoep, Noord-Brabant).
North Macedonia
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 445 (review literature).
Distribution. Olsen et al., 2018: 158-159 (annotated checklist Nordic countries and for Norway according to the Strand regions).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2007a: 74 (checklist).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2008: 45, 47 (loc(s) Parowy Janinowski nature reserve near Lodz) (in Polish).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2010: 131 (loc(s) Parku Krajobrazowego Wzniesien Lodzkich, Lodz).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2014: 12 (on the occurence of Limoniidae in six selected plant communities in the Kamienica Valley, Gorce National Park, Western Carpathians) (in Polish, habitat tables also in English).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2017a: 12 (faunistic and habitat data of species from the Gorce NP) (in Polish).
Distribution. Palaczyk and Klasa, 2021: 173 (list of Diptera in Catalogue of the fauna of the Ojcow National Park).
Distribution. Wiedenska and Syratt, 2023: 130 (loc(s) Bieszczady Mountains, distr and remarks).
Distribution. Parvu, 2004: 184 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Ujvarosi, 2005a: 244 (no details).
Distribution. Parvu, 2006: 260 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Ujvarosi, 2007: 228-231 (checklist Limoniidae).
Distribution. Ujvarosi et al., 2011b: 107 (loc(s) Dupa Lanca marshy area near Voslobeni) (in Hungarian, species list with habitat information in English).
Distribution. Kolcsar et al., 2013: 71 (loc(s) Cluj-Napoca and surroundings; list of habitats with altitudes).
First record. Krivosheina, N.P., 2010a: 225-228 (loc(s) RUC: Tulskaya oblast).
Distribution. Lantsov, 2017b: 107 (on dominant species of the crane flies (Diptera, Tipuloidea) of the North Caucasus as biological indicators of habitats, first record for North Caucasus [without details], Dagestan [Dagestan after Lantsov pers. comm. october 2017]) (in Russian).
Distribution. Paramonov and Korobkov, 2019: 96 (loc(s) RUC: Tverskaya oblast, distr, habitat, citing various authors) (in Russian).
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 445 (review literature).
Distribution. Gavryushin in litt., 2015b: (loc(s) Serbia).
Distribution. Stary, 2009d: 24 (loc(s) Polana area).
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 445 (review literature).
Distribution. Kolcsar et al., 2023b: 12 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Eiroa and Baez, 2002a: 54 (checklist).
Distribution. Keresztes et al., 2022: 193 (loc(s) Asturias and review distribution in Spain) (in Spanish).
Distribution. Lindstrom and Fritz, 2015: 44, 47 (distributin and ecology in five fens in Hallands County) (in Schwedish).
Distribution. Podenas et al., 2006: 40, 135, 201 (map, vertical distr per thermic level).
Distribution. Dufour and Merz, 2012: 354 (annotated checklist canton Geneva).
First record. Ozgul and Koc, 2010: 46-48 (loc(s) Kutahya).
Distribution. Koc et al., 2016: 11 (provinces Marmara region).
on flight period (mainly from 2000 onward):
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 7.
Dek and Peeters, 2023a: month(s): 6-9.
Hubenov, 2015: month(s): 6.
Channel Is
Stubbs, 2022b: month(s): 6.
Czech Rep.
Stary et al., 2005a: month(s): 5-9.
Stary et al., 2013b: month(s): 9.
Stary and Vonicka, 2018: month(s): 5-7.
Stary, 2006a: month(s): 5-6.
Kramer and Withers, 2007: month(s): 6.
Kramer, 2007a: month(s): 6.
Kramer and Langlois, 2019b: month(s): 6.
Quindroit, 2020a: month(s): 4-10.
Quindroit, 2020b: month(s): 5-7, 10.
Quindroit, 2020c: month(s): 4-10.
Kehlmaier et al., 2023: month(s): 6.
Stuke et al., 2024: month(s): 6.
Great Britain
Godfrey, 2000a: month(s): 6.
Godfrey, 2001a: month(s): 5.
Hancock, 2002: month(s): 6-9.
Stubbs, 2006a: month(s): 5.
Skidmore, 2008b: month(s): 6.
Kramer, 2009g: month(s): 7.
Kramer, 2011j: month(s): 5-6, 8.
Kramer, 2014c: month(s): 6.
Chandler, 2015: month(s): 5-10.
Stubbs, 2018b: month(s): 6.
Kramer and Morris, 2022b: month(s): 5-8.
Ashe et al., 2005a: month(s): 5-10.
Ashe et al., 2008: month(s): 5-6, 8.
Podenas, 2011: month(s): 9.
Barendregt, 2015: month(s): 5.
Oosterbroek and Dek, 2020: month(s): 6.
Wiedenska, 2008: month(s): 5-8.
Wiedenska, 2014: month(s): 7.
Wiedenska, 2015a: month(s): 6-8.
Wiedenska, 2017a: month(s): 6-8.
Wiedenska and Syratt, 2023: month(s): 6-8.
Parvu, 2004: month(s): 6-7.
Parvu, 2006: month(s): 6.
Ujvarosi et al., 2011b: month(s): 6.
Kolcsar et al., 2013: month(s): 6.
Paramonov and Korobkov, 2019: month(s): 6.
Gavryushin in litt., 2015b: month(s): 7.
Stary, 2009d: month(s): 5-7.
Kolcsar et al., 2023b: month(s): 6.
Keresztes et al., 2022: month(s): 6.
Podenas et al., 2006: month(s): 5-10.
Ozgul and Koc, 2010: month(s): 7.
on altitude (mainly from 2000 onward):
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 156 m.
Hubenov, 2015: altitude: 1250 m.
Hubenov, 2017: altitude: 1250 m.
Hubenov, 2021a: altitude: 0-1250 m.
Quindroit, 2020c: altitude: 400-100 m.
Labat, 2021: altitude: 899 m.
Reusch and Hohmann, 2009: altitude: 375-550 m.
Stuke et al., 2024: altitude: 200-340 m.
Stary, 2003a: altitude: 1300-1600 m.
Wiedenska, 2017a: altitude: 800-1020 m.
Wiedenska and Syratt, 2023: altitude: 470-1000 m.
Gavryushin in litt., 2015b: altitude: 800 m.
Stary, 2009d: altitude: 630-780 m.
Kolcsar et al., 2023b: altitude: 340 m.
Keresztes et al., 2022: altitude: 850-920 m.
Ozgul and Koc, 2010: altitude: 1264 m.

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