Details for Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) luteipennis
Name:Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) luteipennis Goetghebuer, 1920
Publication:In: Goetghebuer and Tonnoir, 1920, Bull. Soc. Ent. Belg. 2: 108 (as Dicranomyia)
Status:Recognized taxon.
Classification:Family Limoniidae
Subfamily Limoniinae
Revision:Stary, 2009a.
Descriptive note:Lectotype designation: Theowald, 1977c. Type-material: Stary, 2009a.
Keys:Peeters en Oosterbroek, 2014c (craneflies Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) (in Dutch)
Variant spelling(s):lutripennis
Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) luteipennis : body part(s) - legDicranomyia (Dicranomyia) luteipennis : hypopygiumDicranomyia (Dicranomyia) luteipennis : hypopygiumDicranomyia (Dicranomyia) luteipennis : hypopygiumDicranomyia (Dicranomyia) luteipennis : hypopygium
body part(s)
plus 5 more images of wing, wing, wing, habitat and habitat.
Distribution:Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Spain.
General note:Distribution after Stary, 2009a. To be confirmed for France, Germany, Italy, North Macedonia, Romania and Switzerland (for details see Stary, 2009a).
Wing: Stary, 2009a
Hypopygium: Stary, 2009a
Other figures: Stary, 2009a (male hind tarsus)
Citationson biology (mainly from 2000 onward):
Czech Rep.
Habitat. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 64 (local, ecologically significant species, associated with mountain streams).
on characters and taxonomy (mainly from 2000 onward):
Revision. Stary, 2009a: 55-66 (revision, type-mat, systematic position, spelling, descr, comparison, figs).
Misinterpretation. Stary and Freidberg, 2007: 331-332, 339-338 (key, comparison, loc(s), distr) (refers to pallidinota; see Stary, 2009a).
Misinterpretation. Geiger, 1985a: XX and as copied in Geiger, 1986a, 1986b; Podenas et al., 2006) (refers to fuscinota; see Stary, 2009a).
Misinterpretation. Stary and Freidberg, 2007: 331-332, 339-338 (key, comparison, loc(s), distr) (refers to pallidinota; see Stary, 2009a).
on distribution (mainly from 2000 onward):
Distribution. Stary, 2009a: 57-59 (type-loc(s), loc(s), distr).
Misinterpretation. Krzeminski and Stary, 1989: XX (loc(s)) (refers to fuscinota; see Stary, 2009a).
Misinterpretation. Hubenov, 2017: 70 (on vertical distribution) (refers to fuscinota [see Stary, 2009a]).
Czech Rep.
Misinterpretation. Stary, 1974d: XX (loc(s)) (refers to fuscinota; see Stary, 2009a).
Distribution. Stary, 2009a: 58 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Stary, 2009c: 96 (loc(s) Bohemia).
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
Distribution. Stary and Vonicka, 2018: 63-64 (on Limoniidae and Pediciidae of two localities in northern Bohemia, with list of localities, altitudes and habitats).
Misinterpretation. Podenas et al., 1997: XX (loc(s)) (refers to pallidinota; see Stary, 2009a).
Distribution. Schacht, 1999: 135 (checklist Bayern).
Distribution. Reusch and Oosterbroek, 2000: 161 (checklist German Bundeslander).
Distribution. Reusch and Bellstedt, 2001b: 75 (checklist Thuringen).
Distribution. Schacht, 2005: 4 (checklist Bayern).
Misinterpretation. Stary and Oosterbroek, 1996: XX (loc(s)) (refers to fuscinota; see Stary, 2009a).
Misinterpretation. Stary and Freidberg, 2007: 331-332, 339-338 (key, comparison, loc(s), distr) (refers to pallidinota; see Stary, 2009a).
North Macedonia
Distribution. Oosterbroek and Simova-Tosic, 2004: 447 (review literature).
Misinterpretation. Krzeminski, 1991a: XX (loc(s)) (refers to chorea; see Stary, 2009a).
Distribution. Wiedenska, 2007a: 74 (checklist).
Distribution. Ujvarosi, 2007: 228-231 (checklist Limoniidae).
Misinterpretation. Stary, 1974d: XX (loc(s)) (refers to fuscinota; see Stary, 2009a).
Distribution. Stary, 2009a: 58 (loc(s)).
Distribution. Stary, 2009i: webpage (checklist).
First record. Kolcsar et al., 2021b: 47-48 (loc(s) Caceres).
Misinterpretation. Geiger, 1985a: XX and as copied in Geiger, 1986a, 1986b; Podenas et al., 2006) (refers to fuscinota; see Stary, 2009a).
Misinterpretation. Stary and Freidberg, 2007: 331-332, 339-338 (key, comparison, loc(s), distr) (refers to pallidinota; see Stary, 2009a).
on flight period (mainly from 2000 onward):
Stary, 2009a: month(s): 7-8.
Czech Rep.
Stary, 2009a: month(s): 7-9.
Stary, 2009c: month(s): 6.
Stary and Vonicka, 2018: month(s): 7, 9.
Stary, 2009a: month(s): 9.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: month(s): 4.
on altitude (mainly from 2000 onward):
Hubenov, 2017: altitude: 1147-1475 m.
Czech Rep.
Stary, 2009a: altitude: 970 m.
Stary and Vonicka, 2018: altitude: 868 m.
Kolcsar et al., 2021b: altitude: 683 m.

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