Tipula varipennis Meigen
Picture: V. Pilipenko
This Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World (CCW) covers all 18083 genus-group and species-group taxa of the families Pediciidae, Limoniidae,
Cylindrotomidae, and Tipulidae (Insecta, Diptera, Tipuloidea).
Its author is Pjotr Oosterbroek, staffmember of the former Zoological museum of the
University of Amsterdam, associate staffmember of NCB-Naturalis, Leiden (see the Manual for contact information).
Apart from the standard taxonomic information (family, subfamily, genus, subgenus, species,
subspecies, author, year, publication, synonyms, original genus, original spelling), the
catalogue includes up to date information on the distribution of the species by countries
and, for the larger countries (e.g., USA, China), provinces, states, or islands. For almost
all information that differs from what is found in the regional printed catalogues the
reference is given. The CCW furthermore includes reference to all relevant information and
figures published by C.P. Alexander and others (see the Manual).
For a quick search, please go to the Search page and
enter a scientific name or country to search for. For more search options, select Advanced search. In the search results, empty
fields are not displayed. Relevant cranefly literature can be searched for under Literature. The Manual
in detail explains the background of the CCW and lists the abbreviations used in the search
results. Database information such as the number of taxa included per family and the last
update is listed under Statistics. |